In a past life, I wanted to be Secretary of State for the United States. But, a lot more fashionable than previous ones. In fact, I’ve always had a passion for politics, policy and how my government’s decisions impact my life and yours. Likewise, I also think often about how other government’s policy and decisions impact me. From the day that we’re born those policies impact our lives. In fact, my dad was military and we were moved around to different bases as troops were allocated across the world. That’s how I ended up living in Japan. So, when I woke up this morning to hear of Brittney Griner’s release from captivity in Russia, first-I was so happy for her and her family and second I thought about the politics that influenced her being held captive to begin with. And, I thought about something else. Pay equity, women’s sports, politics, travel and chess. Listen on to the following episode.
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WOC Podcasters
When I was in second grade, I got in trouble for talking. In fact, I ended up having my name put in the dog house (it was literally drawn on the board) and I had to sit out during recess. It’s the first time that I remember being in trouble for speaking. It would not be the last. As a podcaster, I’m able to highlight, share and reflect on the issues, values and topics that matter most to me from a lens that reflects my viewpoint and culture. I’m able to uplift the experts that often don’t get shared on other creator’s platforms as well. I love that this content allows me to be heard. Because, unfortunately, as a Black woman I’m used to not being heard or ignored. I’m able to share my lived experience authentically with my podcasts and the other content that I create.
But learning the skills to market my podcast, being in community with other podcasters who don’t talk down to me when I ask a question can be hard to find. I’m so happy to be a paying member of Women Of Color Podcasters a community created by Danielle Desir of The Thoughtcard, a personal finance and affordable travel website and podcast. Women of Color Podcasters is the home base that I go to hang out with other creatives designing content that I’m so excited about. I love participating in the different workshops offered, strategy sessions and learning about all of the cool shows that these amazing creatives are producing. If you’re looking for professional support and community-Women of Color Podcasters is the community that I belong to. Thank you to Danielle and WOC Podcasters for being a supporter of my show and helping me to bring this episode to life as a sponsor. If you would like to learn more about WOC Podcasters, go to for more information.
Listen to the Episode
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It is December 8, 2022 at the time that I am working on this short podcast episode. I woke up and quickly glanced at Twitter, and to my surprise, found out that Brittney Griner had been released and was making her way back to the United States to be reunited with her family. I was thrilled for her. For the past year, I’d watched this saga play its way out and I’ve had so many things that I wanted to say and I think it’s time to share some thoughts.
For those of you who have forgotten. There is currently a war in Ukraine. In fact, in the weeks leading up to the conflict, I think we all were like-is this real? For Americans, it just felt really random and out of the blue. Because for us…it was. We don’t have the type of political awareness around why Russia and Ukraine have had ongoing political tensions and because of that I will refrain from speaking on it because-I don’t know enough. But, what I do know is that when it became clear that American citizens should depart Russia urgently-I was concerned.
Because I had worked with adult international students for over 10+ years in my old professional role and as a graduate student. And, I had lived abroad. One of things that has become very clear to me in watching content created by American travelers is that there is not enough of an understanding or worldliness around how governments can mess you up in a blink of an eye.
The most dangerous points in any overseas trip are the following:
- Departing the US
- The actual mode of transportation-typically your flight.
- Arrival in the country you’re visiting
- Departing the country you’re visiting
- Returning to the US-speak with Black women who were detained after trips to Jamaica and successfully sued US Border Patrol
In fact, I was always worried about my adult students and their families during the holidays in particular because I knew that shit could go left.
Many people would say, well Brittney shouldn’t have been vaping. I would argue that while I do believe she likely vapes…it’s very difficult for me to believe that someone who played professional basketball in Russia since 2014 would be unaware of the risk they were taking by having cannabis or other products on them while in the country. I’m convinced that these teams had handlers to work with their international talent. People who walked them through:
- In country expectations
- What NOT to do
- Visa requirements and compliance
Why? Because that was what I did for years here in the US. If she had been arrested in the first three years of her playing overseas, I would not have been as surprised. I could see overseas players making that type of mistake the first couple of years they were in country.
But, by year 7-I am side-eyeing this. Because I know that just like chess these kinds of detentions are part of a larger game that we’re all a part of.
Also, it’s not lost on me the timing. Do any of you insisting that she was clearly at fault not play chess? Watch political dramas or just think critically about politics, timing, power and political optics?
Women’s Pay Equity Gap
The day of her release also happens to be Latina Equal Pay Day 2022. For African American Women that Day was September 21, 2022. Go to Equal Pay Today to see where your community falls. Right now is the World Cup-the men’s World Cup to be exact. And because the American men (finally) had an incredible showing, the women’s team would also benefit financially as well with a $5 million dollar bonus. Part of recent negotiations that were embarked on in the past couple of years. Despite the fact that the women’s team have been the best in the world for years. Litigation has finally worked out for the women’s team and they will now be paid equally. They had to sue to make this happen.
Brittney wasn’t in Russia just chilling out. She was in Russia earning more for as long as she was physically able play. Why? Because WNBA players make significantly less than their male counterparts. Overseas leagues help to bridge that financial gap.
The Reactions to Brittney’s Release
What has been very interesting to me is people’s reactions to her release. I would like to think that if you were being held captive by a foreign government that I would be excited about your release as long as you weren’t a murderer or harmed kids.
There were some very weird assumptions:
- Why did we broker a deal for her and not the Marine? What the hell? Do you guys not have the understanding that these types of swaps are ongoing negotiations and that each swap depends on two sides and what they want? Also, does it even make sense to say that an American president who has had a child SERVE IN THE MILITARY would willingly leave military personnel behind? That doesn’t even make sense. What is wrong with you? Where are your critical thinking skills? It’s important note that he was detained in June 2020. ***CORRECTION Mr. Whelan was detained in 2018***
- It wasn’t a good enough deal. Do we not remember releasing 5,000 Taliban soldiers during the last Administration?
The Value of American Life
What I’m left with is a very bad taste in my mouth with the assertions people are making about Brittney being freed. There seems to be a very subtle whiff of misogynoir floating around. The observation I have is that the first time in my memory that a Black woman has a released brokered on her behalf it’s deemed as a bad exchange.
And those of you who’ve asserted this-I’m taking notes. Remember, it’s a slippery slope that you’re on and I wonder on what side you’ll end on if you or a family member is detained overseas. I also wonder have you not considered that this was payback for Black women who are the spine, the backbone of the Democratic party and this release tells me that people on the Biden are paying attention to their grievances. While I do have many things that I could criticize this administration on, it’s clear that they know who they need to be responsive to.
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