It’s a record breaking weather day in Denver, hitting a ridiculous 98 degrees on September 1st. I’m so over summer. And, the only pumpkin spice drink I’m will to have right now is Starbuck’s new pumpkin spice cold brew. This also happens to be the week of FinCon, hands down one of my FAVORITE events and communities that I belong to. I love FinCon, I was even the head of Colorado FinCon for the past 5 years and the new head of the community starts this week. I’m not going. I only have so much energy and I just attended Podcast Movement 19 and the Lola Retreat during the SAME WEEK in different states. Myself and Jalesa Harrison from My Money Mogul, ran one of the best workshops of the event (stating a fact). I was shouted out by Patrice Washington during her packed keynote address, I kicked butt on another panel, and then I flew from Orlando to Seattle (one of my favorite towns) and participated on a panel and in the incredible Lola Retreat. And, during the weeks’ that followed, one of the underlying themes of my life for the past 5 years really came up. Capacity. I can only do so many things well with the time and energy that I have. This episode will talk about how to manage your capacity when it’s hard to say “no” to other people and yourself. This episode will share capacity sucks, some of the decisions I’ve had to make, and how YOU can manage your capacity.
*In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. Please read my disclosure here.*
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- The Money on the Mountain Retreat-Looking for a space to talk about money from the financially single woman’s perspective? Go to the following link to apply for a scholarship. Like Yoga, happy hour, and cool people who want you to win with your money? The Money on the Mountain Retreat will be held October 2019 in beautiful Denver, Colorado. Check out the retreat details at: or Text: MONEYONTHEMOUNTAIN to 44222 to get on the list and stay in the loop!
- Make Money with Ebooks-Start your book writing journey today! Choose from one of the three tiers available to students: Self-Study, Group, or VIP. I made almost $1700 in July from ebooks and it looks like I’ll make even more in August. Stop waiting on writing that first book and get started today “Making Money with Ebooks.” Use the coupon code: FINCON19 to save $100 off the course for group and VIP tiers and the code: FINCONSELF to save $50 on the self-study option (payment plans are available)
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- Grab Your Quick Guide to Managing Your Capacity
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Show Notes-How to Manage Your Capacity
- Capacity is defined by my online dictionary search as: the maximum amount that something can contain. In real terms as it applies to our lives, it’s the point right before we hit our breaking point. Normally, we don’t talk about capacity in every day conversations until it’s too much.
- Too many obligations
- Too intense
- Too complicated
- Too stressful
- Most people ignore the signals that being at capacity gives to us. We ignore:
- Clinching our teeth at night
- Snapping at the people we help at our job
- Freaking out when the mail comes in
- Not wanting to go into our homes because they’re too messy
- Missing emails and other communications because we don’t have enough help in our business
- Dragging our feet in regards to obligations that we have
- You get the picture
- How to Manage Your Capacity is an ongoing and evolving process and skill set. That requires the following:
- An understanding of how you want things to go in your life. Or, clarity.
- Listening to yourself.
- Flexibility
- Areas where being at capacity will rear its ugly head
- Physical-your health and wellness
- I’ve recently lost 13 lbs and my knees feel SO good. But, I knew that I was at capacity with my weight when I didn’t want to take pictures with anyone.
- Professional
- Are you tired of your job because of the commute?
- Do you hate working with customers?
- Are you of service to too many people?
- Environment
- The people you’re hanging out with
- Where you actually live-town/physical space/region
- Is your place too messy/too clean?
- Commitments
- Personal and Professional
- Are you on a ton of committees, in groups, etc. that distract from what you need to focus on?
- Finances
- Too many debts
- No debt but too many personal obligations
- Not earning enough
- Physical-your health and wellness
- This week is a huge week for people who share content in the personal finance space. The big kahuna of events for people in that space “FinCon” is being held in D.C. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this event. Seriously, I really do. But, I’m not going this year and it was an easy decision and I’ll tell you why.
- I have only so much energy.
- I missed FinCon2018 and survived to tell the tale. There’s more than one way to be a part of the community and I focus on an all year approach. I literally ran into someone randomly this weekend in Estes Park, Colorado at a completely unrelated event. I hung out with TONS of FinCon people at Podcast Movement (including my roomies) and I make a point to connect with people all year long.
- I attended Podcast Movement 19 and had such a phenomenal experience that I don’t have the energy to give to FinCon this year (also, I’m running my own event in a month).
- Jillian from Montana Money Adventures talked about prioritizing what’s important during the Lola Retreat. She basically said that she ruthlessly removes things in order to bring in the stuff that she wants. Basically, she has a deep and unwavering process for focusing on her priorities.
- In 2017 I decided to take a break from attending events and it was GLORIOUS! I got so much done, I was able to implement everything that I was learning, I saved money, I focused.
- It’s important for me to manage my energy and focus, so I’m now alternating Podcast Movement and FinCon. I’m just unable to do them in the same year-currently, that could change in the future
How to Manage Your Capacity
- Create ruthless clarity about what you want and what you think it will take to get there.
- Managing capacity is ultimately about setting boundaries with yourself and those around you about what you can and cannot do.
- Managing your capacity is also connected to a higher level of self-awareness. Most people ignore the signs that you’re at or over capacity:
- Don’t want to go to work-If I’m consistently late to work…it’s time for me to change the job.
- If I don’t want to take pictures because of how I feel about my physical self-it’s time to focus on that.
- This is for my friend Shannyn! She purchased a house that literally has the worst energy EVER. So many things have gone wrong with it that I joke that it’s on top of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s hell mouth. She’s now trying to figure out if she should sell. She should sell, but she’s so beyond capacity dealing with her place that even making the decision is an exhausting process. Don’t ignore the signs!
- You can only focus on one, maybe two, areas of capacity at any given time. That’s just reality. It has taken me years to pay off a ton of debt. Now that I don’t owe over 30+ entities, I have a lot more space to focus on weight loss. There’s no surprise that I’ve now been able to lose some weight.
- Be flexible and kind to yourself, you may be able to tolerate a lot in one area of your life and that’s fine. Then, in another area of your life-things are too much.
- Managing capacity is an ongoing process that requires you checking in with yourself.
- Become forward thinking, right now I’m working on my plan for the next 12 months. It’s a guide for what I would like to have happen. And, I will also re-work my Vision Board to reflect my new plan. Having a plan helps me:
- Know what my priorities are
- Have the language needed to avoid situations that don’t serve me well
- Manage my time better
I hope you found this show helpful!
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Oh wow I had no idea you weren’t going to Fincon! You DO love that event, but I hear ya. Gotta sacrifice some things for the bigger picture. Just wrote all about that. lol!
Tonya, I just am at the point that I really like to give 150% to whatever I do. And, I really am focusing on setting myself up to be successful. Some things have to be taken off the table and this year: The FinCon/Elevate/Statement/Fuel Your Influence Events were a nope, can’t do it.