Recently I attended a blogging Meetup that covered the topic of crafting affective “About Me” blog pages. Every blogger has one, and I’m sure that many bloggers find themselves wondering what’s the best approach to creating an “About Me” page that makes sense for the readers of their website. The guest speaker for the event really got me thinking about what the overall purpose of a well-crafted “About Me” page is and how to write an about me page that addresses the ultimate focus on the website that it is on.
*In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. Please read my disclosure here.*
How to Write an About Me Page
Recently a friend of mine checked out my “About Me” page and they loved it. I was pretty appreciative of the fact that they liked it because I’d spent a lot of time working on it with a goal of sharing:
- Information about me that connected me to my readers
- Why I do what I do
Imagine how it felt to realize that while my “About Me” page was great, it wasn’t actually created in the way that I needed it to. Basically, currently I am monetizing my blog(s) and what I failed to take into account was the fact that you can monetize your “About Me” page while sharing the same type of personal information that you’re currently sharing right now.
It’s Not “About Me”
Yikes, your “About Me” page ultimately depends on what your goal is for your blog.
- Goal #1-Connecting with readers-If your goal is just to enjoy meeting new people, then the way you craft your “About Me” page could be done to encourage conversation, connection, and community.
- Goal #2-Making Money-If you’re looking to monetize your website then it’s important to consider what actions you wanted to encourage readers/followers to make while navigating through your website.
- Goal #3-Educating Your Community-If you have a signature resource like a book, video, or mini-course, your “About Me” page is a great place to showcase that content.
There is a point when the purpose of your blog may change significantly (like mine has). Currently, my goal with my blog is the following:
- Entertain-readers with stories that get to engage more with their finances or become more focused on their financial journey.
- Inspire-Money journeys are really intense. If I’m able to inspire at least one person to better their financial life, I’m feeling pretty good!
- Expose-Readers to different possibilities. When I first started blogging about wanting to become debt-free, I was inspired to do that by reading stories shared by other personal finance bloggers. They exposed me to different ways to pay off debt and stay focused on that goal.
Your “About Me” page will change as you change. It’s a good idea to audit your page from time to time to make sure that it’s still in alignment with your overall blog goals. Regardless of how you decide to craft your page, don’t forget to spend time sharing your overall story with the goal of connecting with your readers.
In telling your story remember to share:
- What inspired you to start your blog. Was it a cool experience? Information that you wanted to share but your friends and family didn’t want to talk about it? (like money?) Did you have a horrible experience and hoped that by sharing that experience no one else would have to experience what you did?
- Use your authentic voice. It takes some time to write in such a way that your “voice” is heard in your writing. You don’t want to share your story in a stilted and awkward way. Write in the way that you speak.
- Helpful Resources-If you’ve created an ebook, mini-course, or a downloadable pdf that was tool that helped you and could help your readers-share it on this page.
Don’t forget to backlink to other blog posts that you’ve written that support the helpful content that you’ve shared on your page.
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