Before I really start writing this post I want to go back in time. Not literally, but figuratively.
It’s the Year 2006
The Fray is blowing up the radio with “How To Save a Life.” And, Kanye West and Jaime Foxx are singing about gold diggers. Ahem. The mood in the country is good. Effervescent , bubbly, housing prices were going up and we were all in it to win it.
I was working in higher education doing immigration work for international students. I really didn’t like immigration but despite that I was really good at my job. In fact, I was the first person to arrive at work on average for the first 3 years that I had my job. I was that employee.
Like most people, I started getting itchy to leave around the third year. I started applying for jobs at universities in New York City and was getting interviews. It was just a matter of time.
Then, I had a weird feeling. Intuition, a nervous tingle, whatever you want to call it-I decided that it wasn’t a good time to leave. So instead, I stayed in Colorado and bought an unusual (and CHEAP) property in January 2007.
This was the best decision I could have made.
The Great Recession Hits 2007
I thankfully was able to stay in position and our business grew. I was able to expand my role, take on new responsibilities, and maintain stability. I had debt, student loans, and a somewhat carefree approach to finance.
So, when the Great Recession hit I was very blessed and fortunate to have a wonderful job, working with great people, and so I stayed on.
The Recession frightened me. But, only in that I wanted stability. Remember, we had also gone through 9/11 and Katrina. It was just a little too much for me to take in and I became very, very, risk adverse as many people did during those years.
2014: Almost 7 years later
One day I found myself asking “Where did the time go?” I had stopped meeting people, wasn’t dating, and was steadily gaining wait. I wanted more out of life than this. An endless commute back and forth to work with clients I loved but work that I loathed.
I had half-heartedly look for jobs in my field in 2011 but the reality was this: I hated what I was doing.
I had to figure out a new plan with energy that I didn’t have and that took more time than I thought it would. But, I was grateful for my job because it allowed me the time to figure that what my next chapter would be.
It’s mid-June 2014 when I realize that I can’t stay at my job another 2 years. It just was not going to happen. My life had improved and balanced out in so many sectors after a huge amount of effort on my part. Things that I had focused on such as: self-esteem, motivation, health, budgeting, debt repayment, and learning how to use my money efficiently had made all the difference. I am now writing the blog post that I had hoped to write (and had promptly forgotten about after musing on it).
In fact, things had improved so much that I couldn’t stand the thought of staying past the end of 2014. I still had debt (ironically, I was a little more in debt due to a bout of depression) but I had a strategy for that.
My job was a drag-on my life. I had balanced other parts of my life out, was taking time for me, paying off my credit cards, doing something social at least once a week, and hustling. I was working on my physical and mental well-being and slowly my mindset started to change.
I also had to admit something else to myself-I just didn’t want to be in the field that I had been working in for the past 10 years anymore. I was DONE. It was time to move on.
- An auspicious anniversary was looming-Starting My 11th year on the job September 27, 2014 and I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was burnt out in so many ways that my head spun.
- I knew I was done when I brought all of my personal stuff home from work and starting organizing information sheets on how to do my position-IN JUNE.
- I only mentioned that I was leaving my job to people who really, really got where I was coming from and didn’t project their own fears about the life I was choosing on me.
- I avoided the naysayers.
- My mom was my greatest supporter and I truly and grateful to her encouragement. She knew that I was slowly suffocating in my risk free life
Be Careful To Balance Taking Risks and Avoiding Risks
Interestingly enough, I found that writing about personal finance both fed my fear of avoiding risk AND fed my desire to take some measured risks. Risk is inherently dangerous-things can go wrong really quickly. But, in my case, things had already gone wrong. I wanted to live a life that challenged me: personally, intellectually, and spiritually. I had stopped growing and I knew it. There is a make or break point where you have to have faith in yourself and do what’s right for you.
So…I Quit My Job and I’m In Australia
I decided I needed some time to decompress and that I had to set things up so I wouldn’t back out of quitting like I had done before. So, I put in a 4 month notice as I knew that it take some time for me to create a plan for my next chapter and it also helped my colleagues find a new and fabulous employee who could surpass the job that I did. As I worked in immigration it was important to me to avoid negatively affecting the clients and the organization that I’d worked with for so long. That was the right decision.
I purchased my tickets to depart the day after my last day at work…and I left.
For those of you who knew I was traveling (and to where) you are great at keeping a secret AND supporting a friend.
I flew to L.A. hung out with Tonya from Budget and the Beach, then flew to Hawaii for a week. From Hawaii I flew to Sydney where I am currently house sitting my friend’s place while she and her boyfriend travel the world for 5 weeks.
My friends will return in a week or so and then I will stay with them for 3 more weeks then return to Hawaii for a week and then back home. So, I will be gone from December 17, 2014 until February 23, 2015. And yes, I’m feeling pretty good about life right now.
Huge hugs!!
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Woohoo! Welcome to Australia – and congrats on the massive life change.
I’ve been here for a little over 30 years and I love it 😉
I hope you take the time to look around while you are here (it is almost the same size as the USA, so there’s plenty to see).
It’s great…but, I am a very, very slow traveler. I tend to wander around the same town and look at things for awhile. BTW, I had to laugh the other day when you mentioned how quickly I commented on your post.
there is nothing wroon g to be a slow traveler, maybe there are cities that have secret places that need time to be dscovered…I discover new gems every time I decide to be tourist in my hometown!!!
However CongrATS for your life changes|||
I do the same thing!! I love walking around my town and seeing all of the new things that are popping up. It’s so fun. I am really looking forward to rediscovering Denver and my beautiful state of Colorado when I return.
Really? That must have cost you a leap of faith, Michelle. Quitting a job must be one of the hardest decisions you have ever made. And congrats on that because you yourself know that you just made the right decision in your life! Good luck and welcome to the Land Down Under! ENJOY!
When you work a job for almost 11 years it becomes really hard and really scary to consider leaving because to a certain level your job becomes a big part of your identity. But, I just felt like life was seriously passing me by and that the big things that were important to me I really needed to have the space to focus on-or they weren’t going to happen.
My SHERO!!! Super excited for you. Lovely photos – thanks for including them. I hope you pull in loads of inspiration as the fun begins! I’m sooooo feeling you about avoiding the naysayers. I’m realizing they mean well (most likely) but that bend toward what’s not possible isn’t helpful when you have an adventurous spirit! No more consulting with people who prophesy defeat! Enjoy the today, tomorrow, and beyond! Meanwhile it’s 2 degrees in Chicago! LOL!
As you know I was not happy! The Naysayers will give you well meaning advice about everything that won’t work. I needed to focus on every reason why I needed to make this work-it’s my life! So, I am looking forward to pushing myself and seeing what I’m capable of doing. It has rained all weekend..but it ‘s still hot!
Happy with your new found vigor for life, Michelle! A little break refreshes our view of the world and of our priorities in life. Enjoy your trip!
I am really hoping to refocus and reenergize. I am actually very excited about getting back to Colorado and making things happen. Will keep you posted!
You finally dish 🙂 What an awesome trip. From what I’ve gleaned, you have been loving every minute of it. That is also absolutely amazing that you were able to house sit for a friend, gaining stability and a home base… it’s much more relaxing than being on the move all the time. These posts of yours inspire me.
LoL! I just wanted to write a few other posts first. I am enjoying it and being able to house sit for my friend for such a long time is a huge blessing. I can’t wait to hang out with them when they get back! My friends are having an epic pre-wedding trip: London/South Africa/New York City/ and possibly Florida. Yep, that’s how they roll.
Wow what an adventure you’re on! I can’t wait to hear more about it. My daughter loves Sydney and hopes to return again soon. She’s 28 in a few weeks and will be leaving her job in May – she’s signed up to work on a farm in Italy. I’m excited for her, The 7-7 London life is wearing her down.
Well done for doing what’s best for you! It’s not always an easy decision to make. Good luck!
Sydney is a wonderful city! The pace of life is very good for heath and well being as well as for families. I’m hardly surprised that your daughter loves Sydney so much. I find the lifestyle to be very similar to Colorado (except with fabulous beaches!) so I’ve adjusted pretty quickly.
You’re in Australia?!?!? :)) Really proud of you for taking that leap as I KNOW how miserable you have felt! Can’t wait to see how this year unfolds for you!
You make me laugh! I was not happy. I also haven’t had a debilitating migraine since I left.Huh.
Good for you Michelle! Sounds like you were ready for a change and now you’re on a great adventure. Cheers!
I had to leave because if I stayed any longer I felt that life would just pass me by…because it was! Now, I have to step it up and make things happen.
Awesome for you Michelle! I hope you enjoy your time “off”. What’s next?
What’s next is a whole other post! LOL!
How exciting! I would love to visit Australia some day; it looks amazing. My mother in law owns some vacation rentals at Waikiki, so if you are ever looking for a studio to rent there please feel free to contact me.
I can’t wait to see what 2015 has in store for you now that you don’t have the negativity of a job you’ve outgrown hanging around. Enjoy the rest of your trip!
It is stunning! Thanks for the head’s re: Waikiki. I think the next time I go to Hawaii I will go to Maui instead…that’s a whole different conversation for another day. I have a lot that has to happen between now and when I get back so I am working on a few things while on my trip. If 2015 is a bust, it won’t be because I didn’t try to change things!
WHAAAATTT!!!?? OMG!!! You are my hero!!!! I would so love to do this. My job is increasingly driving me nuts. Management has gone from bad to worse 🙁 I’m going to be in Hawaii in February too, I’ll send you an email, maybe we can meetup somewhere – depending on the island you’re on.
I was so depressed Michelle. I can’t even begin to describe how bad it was getting. I was at the point where I was thinking about taking medication which I don’t do. So, I just had to make a leap of faith in myself. Shoot me an email. I will be in Honolulu (Waikiki Area) From February 18-February 22. The next time I go to Hawaii I will avoid Honolulu.
That’s a big leap, I think it’s great to be able to regroup and get your mind right, best of luck!
You phrased it exactly right-getting my mind right. I am feeling a lot better and am amping up the next thing.
All right! Good for you!!
Am working hard to make things happen. I just needed to start fresh so that I can move forward. We’ll see how it goes.
Come over to Auckland! It’s a 3 hour flight. Hope you are enjoying our southern summer – bet Sydney is spectacular right now.
I think that’s a trip for in the next 2 years. I am supposed to return for my friend’s wedding in November if I’m still single at that time I will stay for 6 months (fly out and come back in) Or, maybe my guy would be up for staying in the Southern Hemisphere for awhile
Congrats Michelle, so awesome you worked hard enough to make this a possibility! Enjoy your time traveling. Looking forward to the “what’s next?” post. =)
Thanks Erin, I just hit a breaking point. Now, it’s game on!
WOW! That’s so awesome that you are in Australia and that you took such a big step! I know a lot of people just accept that work is something they have to hate and they stay. I’m excited to see what you do next!
I think that there is also an attitude that you should just suck it up. I also think that people are afraid to do what’s right for them.
How wonderful! Now I understand your gorgeous instagram feed.
LOL! Yep, I got the hell out of Dodge. Now, let’s see if I can make some things happen.
Awesome! nice to read how you made this big step to propel your life forward! You have thoroughly inspired me this last year! I look forward to reading about where you go next! I wish you all the best of luck in all your future endeavors!
Thanks for your kind words! There’s a point where I just got so: depressed, done, over it, that things just had to change. Hopefully it wasn’t a big mistake. We shall see LOL!
Wow, that is a big leap! Good for you!
I had to leave Michelle. You know what type of work I was doing. I just couldn’t stand it anymore 🙂