As I work on this post, I’m thinking about the first time I told my mom about my blog income. The thing is, I was making money every month, but it was inconsistent. And, that first month that I talked to my mom about my blog earnings, I’d made almost $12 dollars. My mom laughed at me. Black moms can be cold AF. It took me awhile to figure out my online earnings mix, but now that I have-it’s game on! I hope you get some blog income ideas from my July Blog Income Report that you can implement on your website.
*In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. Please read my disclosure here.*
July 2019: $4,242 Generated
For those of you following my blog income reports, you may notice a slight difference in this one. I’ve included all of the money that I generated in the month as my total earned. Then, I also included below the total amount of money that I’ve actually received. Basically, I flipped the positioning of where I put this information in previous posts.
A couple of things about my blog income reports.
- They do not include any freelance writing earnings. At this point, I basically don’t do any freelance writing because I am making money with ebooks. Also, freelance writing gets on my nerves.
- Incomplete earnings are never included. They are confusing and it may take me forever to hit the earnings threshold. So, I just don’t bother.
- Side-hustle income is not included. I still do a fun side-hustle. My friend runs the team and if the event is cancelled we still get paid. Also, I love the people on the team and it’s super fun. It looks like my side-hustling will be over at the end of August.
- My particular focus is on passive income because I love it. Anything that I can work on once and it pays me daily or throughout the month. Come to mama.
Do It Ugly
If you’re sitting on the fence about starting a blog, podcast, writing that book, or some other project, I encourage you to “Do It Ugly.” Grab my free resource to get started today! Learn how I started my podcast for $5 a month, my blog for free, and wrote my first book in 23 hours. Stop waiting and get started!
What hit my bank: $1738
- $89 Autumn Stone Book Royalties-They dropped pretty significantly during the Spring as I focused on other stuff. When you see what I earned in July, you’ll pass out.
- $29 Amazon Affiliates-While I still wish that AA would have a longer than 24 hour affiliate cookie, I still am able to make teeny amounts from time to time with Amazon.
- $42-Teachable Affiliate This one surprised the heck out of me as I don’t remember how I shared the link.
- $538-Make Money with Ebooks, my course to help would be authors become self-published authors. I love working with authors signed up in the course. And, I’m looking forward to supporting more authors getting their stories, ideas, and expertise out there.
- $1040-Money on the Mountain. This retreat is for financially single ladies and will be held in Denver, CO this October. I’m getting both sign ups and sponsorships but that income goes towards event related costs.
July 2019 Pending Earnings: $2504
- $200 (ish?) 10Kva affiliate earnings. I’m not sure when/if I will receive this. But, it was a pretty exciting affiliate notification.
- $50 Siteground Affiliate
- $93-Amazon Affiliate Earnings-I’m thinking that I will be paid this in August or the end of September
- $475-Money on the Mountain-I have a pending ticket sale hitting the account a day after this post goes live. And, a scholarship pledge that will be received sometime this month.
- $1688 Autumn Stone Book Royalties July was a CRAZY lucrative month for my books, that wasn’t an accident.These will payout in September.
Some things to note about this earnings report:
- Selling my own products! It took a huge leap of faith to believe in what I had to sell. But, you will notice that the majority of my earnings are from what I’ve created and shared with the world
- Autumn Stone Books
- Non-fiction books: Business topics and Colorado related books
- Make Money with Ebooks Course
- Money on the Mountain Financial Retreat
- Currently, I’m in the process of pitching for sponsors for my Square State website/podcast. I expect to sign sponsors for that pretty soon.
- I pushed hard during the summer. The Ant and the Grasshopper my friends. I am now well positioned going into Fall and the holiday spending season in regards to my products and other projects.
- For the next 4 months I am focused on amplifying what worked well and helped me get the results that I’m seeing.
- Everything feels “easier”
If you’ve been sitting on starting a project, the best time to start it is NOW. It will take awhile to figure out what you like, where you want to focus and what’s enjoyable for you to do. It will take awhile also to refine your work, make it “pretty” and get it in front of the people that will enjoy and benefit from what you’re doing.
Related Posts 2019
- May…oops! I forgot to do this report
Thinking About Starting a Blog?
I love blogging! It has been an incredible experience, transformed my life, and connected me with a ton of amazing people. Blogging is a pretty cheap activity and I recommend hosting your blog with Siteground. Many bloggers have begun leaving HostGator and BlueHost and moving to Siteground. Myself included! Read why I’m leaving HostGator and BlueHost (I have 2 blogs one on each hosting platform) and moving to Siteground. If you’re a new blogger Siteground will cost around $3.95 a month (depending on the size of your audience). They have great customer service and tutorials on how to host your new WordPress blog on Siteground. Check out the following guide by Elite Blog Academy on how to set up your blog.
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well done
Thanks Giulia!
Holy sh*t. What a month! Those numbers are going all the way up. Congrats!
I’m NOT f#cking around Jason. I’m pushing real hard this month.
Nice Michelle! Congrats! That’s a nice chunk of change!
Thanks Tonya! I’ve been working on it.