For some people, this declaration is not a surprise. For others, it probably is. I love these two conferences. Seriously, I love: the community, the support, the energy, the education, the fun, and the uptick in my business. I’m in touch with the people in these communities So, have I decided that I’m not going to FinCon or PodCast Movement this year?
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Related Post: Figuring Out My FinCon17 ROI
Conference Fatigue
I really enjoy conferences, but, I attended six in 2017. And, it’s safe to say that was three too many for me. When I spent time looking at my year, how productive I was or wasn’t, attending six conferences killed my productivity. How, you wonder? Let me break it down for you
- April-Conference #1 in Denver. Fortunately, it’s in Denver (and free for me) but, there were some issues with the conference that I won’t get into. We spent 2 days learning and then I spent a couple of days after trying to absorb the information and apply it to my business.
- May-Conference #2 Out of State-I won’t mention where. Basically, in a location that I never would have chosen to visit. But, the location was lovely. The conference however did not hit my ROI requirements for conference attendance. Proving that not all conferences are created equally.
- July-I attended a reunion in Tucson. It was fabulous.
- August-LoLa Retreat in Portland-absolutely incredible experience and I highly recommend it. This year it’s in NYC.
- August-Podcast Movement-I’m a nerdy podcaster and I truly love this event.
- September– Denver Start Up week…um, in Denver. Lol it!
- October-FinCon Dallas as always, I had an incredible time. I’ve attended six years in a row. It’s a great event.
Yep, by the time that FinCon rolled I around…I was over attending conferences.
What I Realized
Every conference depleted about three weeks of mental energy. There was the pre-departure excitement. You know, like when you’re a little kid and you’re just so geeked out about going somewhere new. Then you attend the conference and again, you’re so geeked out because you’re actually at the conference. Finally, you return home and you spend a week or more getting back into the flow of things.
18 Weeks of Lost Productivity
That’s what six conferences did to my focus and my business. In fact, each time I was about to focus on some new idea, new information, or new productivity concept…I couldn’t.
I couldn’t get into the flow or a rhythm. In fact, I learned that I really need:
- Systems
- And a schedule
My schedule was disrupted every single time I went on a trip.
Constant Travel
I was born four weeks early because my mom flew. At a dainty five pounds, I launched into the world at 12:36 pm. I’ve been flying every since. I love traveling. Arriving in a new place, eating new food, hearing different accents. Travel makes me so freaking happy…once I actually arrive at the place I’m going to.
But, there are some things that I’m not enjoying about travel right now.
- The Stress-Travel is not as enjoyable as it used to be. The other travelers, the cost, and the hit or miss service. Other travelers are not as good at traveling as they think they are. In fact, most of them are a hot mess. And, they make everything ten times more stressful than it needs to be. All of the security protocols (which isn’t a bad thing) but, I just don’t feel like dealing with it.
- The Amount of Precision-That I have to approach each post with has become a bit exhausting. The amount of time to get to the airport, getting through security, other people and their janky toes. Crossing my fingers that no crazy sh$t happens between the time I have to leave and my flight happens.
When I think of where I want to travel, I keep thinking of going to Colombia for a couple of months. Visiting my grandma, and going on road trips. Basically, conferences aren’t “lighting my fire” this year. And, that’s a huge reason why I’m not going to FinCon or Podcast Movement.
Debt Freedom Focus
I’ve been on my debt-freedom journey for awhile. I think that I have 1 maybe 2 years left. In the beginning of my journey I had such a huge mess that I knew that it would take me years to become debt free. Now, I have seven debts left and one should be paid off by the end of the month.
I know that there are many people (rightfully so) who say that you should forgo while in debt-repayment mode. Well, I had such a large mess that it was going to take awhile to move the needle.
The thing that people forget is…when you make the CHOICE to continue traveling while paying off debt-you understand that it will take longer to pay off said debt. Most people get that. It’s not rocket science. The thing is, now I’m getting close. Real close. And, now, it’s time to focus and get the following done:
Grow my income and pay sh$t off. I’m perfectly happy waiting to travel for the next year or so-so that I can focus and get this done.
Two years is a lot more manageable than the indeterminate number of years at the beginning of my debt-freedom journey. While I’m pretty frugal when I attend conferences and am focused on ROI, the money that I save will go towards debt repayment.
Denver Startup Week and Denver Word Camp
Is one of my favorite events/conferences that I attend (that’s including FinCon and Podcast Movement). The issue that I’ve been dealing is the fact that DSW and FinCon occur during the same week. Initially, I planned on going to DSW for the first part of the week and then FinCon for the other half of the week.
Not feeling it.
Instead, I prefer to be 100% present for whatever it is that I’m doing. I’ve decided that I would be better served to focus on DSW for several reasons:
- It’s free
- I have the opportunity to be on the organizing committee
- I’m growing my Colorado website and it’s a great way to build awareness for that project.
- Last year over 18,000 people participated…
- Mark Cuban, Charlie Ergen (richest Coloradan and founder of Dish Network), and Casey Neistat were speakers at the event.
- Free food, booze, and parties
- No travel expenses
Pretty awesome, huh?
Denver Word Camp
Is a new event to me and I will also help with the planning committee. As a longtime WordPress user I think it will be a great event to be a part of. A number of my friends have attended DWC in different cities and love the information, energy, and opportunities that they connected with as a result of participating in this event
My Colorado Life
Is pretty awesome. I plan on growing my garden, going camping, taking my mom to the Rocky Mountain Land Library for a mommy/daughter road trip.
I have a wedding that I’m attending and a couple of segments of the Colorado trail that I would like to do.
- Shake Shack is opening
- Going to see Hamilton and The Book of Mormon
- Denver Comic Con
- Hanging out with friends and my mom
- And, summer is just a ridiculous amount of fun
- Volunteering at my high school
- And working out for free with The November Project (losing that pesky 30 lbs)
I want to really focus on being at home, side-hustling like a ninja, and growing my passive income.
2018 The Year of Implementation
Finally, there is a point when you just need to focus and implement what you know. I don’t want to learn more stuff this year that I’m not going to be able to focus on because I’m too busy learning more stuff.
I’ve already noticed a difference in my energy levels and my results (read-money). I’m able to focus and think with clarity. And, btw, a friend of mine asked if I might have adult ADHD. I will say this…I took assessment that she sent me and realized that I used a lot of the coping and productivity mechanisms when I was working my old job.
When I left my job, I lost structure and my focus was lost as well. Since that conversation, I’ve implemented those productivity hacks and they’ve made a huge difference.
There are also systems and areas of focus that I’m working on that are FINALLY coming together.
I feel like I’m missing out on a family reunion and weirdly enough…I feel a little guilty (which is ridiculous). But, this year I have to say “no” to a lot of things and travel (outside of visiting my Grandma) isn’t going to happen anytime soon.
The next time I attend either one of these amazing events I would like to show up with the results that I’ve been working towards. It has not been lost on me that many people in my FinCon Cohort have moved past me in terms of results, income, and people served.
While I don’t view this a competition, I do feel that I’m capable of achieving more than what I’ve achieved up until now. I have something to prove to myself and I think this is the year that I finally make things happen.
Everyone has a different journey. And, I’m now at a different point in my journey.
Saying “No”
This year I am saying “No” a lot. And, it’s hard. Because I don’t want to hurt people’s feelings. Or, get sucked into doing stuff that doesn’t that serve me well in the moment.
By the way, I’m even saying “No” to my mom too (within reason-I’m not crazy!). Successful entrepreneurs understand that they have to say “No” a lot. And, last year, and several years before that I was your “yes!” girl.
I could be counted on to:
- Watch every livestream that you created
- Give feedback on courses
- Reviews on books-which I would actually read because I can’t review something that I haven’t checked out.
This year I’m saying “no” a lot and it’s a mazing how much time has been freed up. I love what my friends are up to. I support them 100% and know that they understand why I am shifting my focus. Because I want and need to get things done.
I’m Not Going to FinCon or Podcast Movement
and even though I will miss everyone…it’s the best decision for me and for my business. Things could change, but as of right now, I’m staying home.
Want to Go to FinCon?
Sign Up today! Tickets are going fast. It’s an incredible event and a great way to grow your business, brand, and yes, even your life! Click HERE to sign up.
Want to Start a Blog?
I love blogging! It has been an incredible experience, transformed my life, and connected me with a ton of amazing people. Blogging is a pretty cheap activity and I recommend hosting your blog with Siteground. Many bloggers have begun leaving HostGator and BlueHost and moving to Siteground. Myself included! Read why I’m leaving HostGator and BlueHost (I have 2 blogs one on each hosting platform) and moving to Siteground. If you’re a new blogger Siteground will cost around $3.95 a month (depending on the size of your audience). They have great customer service and tutorials on how to host your new WordPress blog on Siteground.
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Sounds like you have your priorities straight and a great opportunity to expand your business in Denver this year. Good luck!
I’m really looking forward to it and I’m planning on having a lot of fun.
I think everything you said makes sense. That’s a LOT of travel and after awhile I’m sure a lot of the info just blends. I think you can find just as good of info googling things as you could attending. I know you like the energy of the crowd so I imagine that’s one thing you’ll be missing.
I do love the energy from the crowd. Fortunately, Denver Start Up Week has a ridiculous amount of energy, events, sessions, and parties LOL! I won’t miss out at all. Having both events happen on the same week was initially frustrating…then, I was…it’s free! So, I’m really looking forward to being involved with this event.
Makes sense and still…when do I sees you again if not at FinCon? Maybe we should think of something else.
I’m planning on going to go to Europe in 2019-we’ll see each other then!
Love this! I don’t know what our plans are for 2018, but it was difficult for me to go to Fincon in 2017. I won’t be forcing that this year like I did last.
I’ve felt this way for awhile. Last year was intense for way too many reasons. This year I just want to keep things as simple as possible and focus on creating systems of success. And, I could already tell that I was forcing an enthusiasm that just wasn’t there for me this year.
I’ll miss you, but totally understand your reasons. P.S. What was that assessment you took it? I’m curious now!
I’ll miss you too! But, I’ll see you before you move. Here’s the link to the assessment:
Good for you for setting boundaries and focusing on your goals. I can’t wait to see the magic 2018 brings you!
Tim and I are looking to attend a WordCamp. We’d rather not travel to it. Are the Denver dates set?
Not yet!I haven’t met with the organizing committee yet. They just know that I want to be on the team. Fortunately, for me, one of my friends is on the committee LOL!
I will miss you but I feel you. I skipped Fincon 2016 after I booked the early bird and 3 weeks before hadn’t booked a flight or a hotel..something was like “nah, you obviously have too much going on.” Yes, I broke my perfect streak, but I also had to listen to my gut.
Go you!
I had a great streak going…but, I just can’t do it this year. I just need to get stuff done.
I’ll miss you at Fincon, but you have to do what you feel is right. You’re 100% right about it taking longer for people to pay off their debt if they are traveling. I’m one of the people that is in that boat. I refused to stop traveling, but some reason I’ve been hesitant to book trips this year. I’m seeing growth and I don’t feel like spending a lot on flights or hotels. I still have a couple of trips planned, but it’s nowhere near how it was previous years.
I went to Wordcamp ATL last year and had a good time. I’m planning on going this year as well. You should enjoy it. It’s a great chance for networking.
I’m really excited about WordCamp. I remembered what you (and Jessica Garbarino) shared about your experiences. In fact, they contacted me today about figuring out how I can help on the committee. Sometimes you just have to trust your gut and my gut was like-you need to stay close to home. Will miss you too!
I think this is a good decision. I am in a salaried job but I am still careful about how many confences or off site events I attend for the simple fact that I’m not producing if I’m at a conference. And the work has to get done somehow. Good luck !
I appreciate it. You hit the nail on the head-I’m not producing money in my business and every time I am away from home-I’m not focused on what I need to do. I’m looking forward to going in 2019. But, I want to focus on creating results in 2018.
So how has your 2018 plan panned out? I’m sure it was difficult not attending FinCon since you’ve been a regular for so many years… did you feel any FOMO? I’m a new blogger and was doing a search for FinCon when I landed on this post. I enjoyed reading about your experience.
Hi Michael, I did not feel FOMO because I hangout with a ton of FinCon people all the time (think every other week). I’m now friends with a ton of people and hang out with the Colorado based community all the time. And, I see people when they visit Colorado which is all the time. In fact, this week Kate from Cashville Skyline is in town and all of us are hanging out. Here’s a link to a follow-up that I did about this (podcast episdoe)