If you write a post a day, you’ll make $100,000 in a month in a year. It’s easy to make money online-you just have to do this one thing. Building my blog was so easy! Ok, I’m messing with you right now. This show idea came to me when I noticed some Twitter comments about online business and basically how disingenuous some people were in sharing what it’s really like to grow a profitable website, podcast, etc. I thought I would share my experience growing my online brand, what it has been like, and what other people have shared with me. It’s not all moonlight and roses.
*In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. Please read my disclosure here.*
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Show Notes
- No one talks about the 100’s of hours it takes to learn how to
- Blog
- Podcast
- Vlog
- And do it well
- People don’t share how many courses, free trainings, coaching, mentor conversations, YouTube Videos, and paid trainings that they’ve taken and sucked at. Here’s a fraction of what I’ve done.
- Elite Blog Academy
- Make Money with Affiliate Marketing
- Amanda Abella-business coaching (she’s awesome!)
- Rosemarie Groner-Coaching call about what she did to grow her blog (we used to be in the same mastermind years ag0)
- Free Click Funnels webinars (they are always long)
- Tiffany Aliche’s Livestreams
- Amy Porterfield Webinars
- Kimra Luna’s Webinars
- Sandy Smith’s Webinars
- Recently I’ve noticed that most people making money online take between 3-5 years from the time they decide to monetize to actually report consistent significant earnings. Significant would be $5,000 a month.
- Each person’s earnings mix is different. This creates a lot of confusion and frustration for up and coming digital content creators
The Myths
About making money online that keep people from making money
- You need a ton of: downloads, page views, and subscribers in order to make money. I don’t have a ton and I’m making money. HOWEVER, if you want to make significant money you do have to grow your downloads, page views, and subscribers.
- You have to teach people how to make money online in order to make money online.
- Actually-you could just focus on making affiliate income. If you have low numbers you make a ton-but, you could make money if you understand how to get people to use your affiliate links.
- Or, you could make money with ebooks (one of the ways that I make money)
- You could teach a skill related in a peripheral way to what they are trying to do
- Because someone else has created it…you shouldn’t
- There are hundreds of millions of people out there. One person can’t teach all of them. It’s not possible.
- There are hundreds of hamburger restaurants, romance books, clothing stores, coffee shops, you get the picture
The Reality
- It takes a much smaller number than you think to buy into what you’re doing to make money online.
- You will be overwhelmed by all of the earnings possibilities and go down a rabbit hole for awhile. Hopefully, not for years. But, most people they go down the rabbit hole for years.
- This is controversial but I’m glad that I focused on my email list once I understood what I was actually doing. Basically, I waited to grow my list because I didn’t know what the heck I was doing. Now, I have offerings, clarity of purpose, and positioning. And, I’ve learned how to authentically email my list. Basically, waiting to start your email list is ok…just don’t wait too long.
- Perfection kills dreams-I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with digital influencers who won’t”
- Create the video
- Write the book
- Start the podcast
- Because of fear and the way they felt it should look
- Most people underestimate how much action they should be taking to gain traction with their online businesses
- Most people don’t market their products/websites/etc. enough. It’s not enough to add a pin to Pinterest and use Tailwind. Not in 2019.
- Consistency is everything.
- You can do multiple things…but, you have to work through your list and learn how to do each thing well. In the past year or so I began focusing on growing my online income. I was still:
- Blogging
- Podcasting
- Creating a course
- Earning affiliate income
- Working on my email list.
- Things began to change January 2018 when I began to focus on growing my online earnings. I started publishing blog income reports and that one decision helped to focus my action. Basically, I focused on one goal-making money. This one goal made me become much more deliberate with my actions….even though I was working on my different interests.
- You need to build your email list and you should email them twice a week. Show up like you’re dating…because you are. And, the emails should not be transaction. They should be created with a focus on connecting with your subscribers.
- No one wants to share
- The doubts
- Fears
- Late payments on bills-I’ve had a well known influencer tell me how they almost went into foreclosure during their journey to where they’re at now.
- Learning about cash flow-that one is so damn hard.
- Going into debt-Sometimes people spend way too much, way too soon on their business. This was a mistake I didn’t make because I was in a debt-repayment journey
- Scrounging for change to pay for coffee, a bill, etc.-Totally been there
- The endless side-hustles until you start making actual consistent, predictable income. Been there.
- The times when you don’t get the gig, the speaking engagement, the panel and you wonder if it’s because you suck?
- Every launch that failed-Damn, you spent 2 months working on it and sold only 5 products.
- Products that you created that ROCKED…but, no one bought
- All of the sacrifices
- Relationships lost
- Conversations about business that you can only have with your business besties
- The money they’ve spent
- The results that they didn’t get
- I understand why people focus on the dream. Because by the time you get to the good stuff, you’re so ready to move on from the bad stuff. You just want to move on. And, real talk, as I make the transition into making more money with my digital business I want to do the same. Because I don’t want that energy coming with me as I move forward. That’s why I’m recording this episode. If people ask me about the journey…I can just share this and keep it moving.
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Show Sponsor
- The Money on the Mountain Retreat-Looking for a space to talk about money from the financially single woman’s perspective? Go to the following link to apply for a scholarship. Like Yoga, happy hour, and cool people who want you to win with your money? The Money on the Mountain Retreat will be held October 2019 in beautiful Denver, Colorado. Check out the retreat details at: michelleismoneyhungry.com/retreat or Text: MONEYONTHEMOUNTAIN to 44222 to get on the list and stay in the loop!
Resources Mentioned
- Get the 3 Things About Self-Publishing You Need to Know Tool Kit today! By texting: threethings to 44222. Or, click here to sign up.
- Take my free mini-course: Do It Ugly Today. Get it below.
Related Shows
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A Special Shout out to the
Current Money on the
Mountain Sponsors and Speakers
- Plutus Foundation Harlan Landes and Charlotte Baker are amazing
- The Financial Gym-Shannon McLay is changing lives
- Kassandra Dassent, Financial Coach
- Jessica Garbarino-Every Single Dollar
- Emily Guy Birkin
- Jason Vitug-Phroogal
- Ryan and Carrie-Hashtag Colorado
- Melanie Lockert-founder of The Lola Retreat and author of Dear Debt.
- Phylecia Jones TedX speaker and creator of the speaking service iFindYouClose
- Jenny Bayless-Real Estate Investor
- Danielle Desir-Founder of The WOC Podcasting Community and The ThoughtCard website
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