For 365 days, I stopped shopping. I didn’t buy: coats, shoes, any clothes. And, what I discovered at the end of that year truly surprised me. So, I decided to share 10 things that I learned from my year of No Shopping. I hope these insights will help you approach your fashion shopping differently. Some things will surprise you! Ok, here it goes.
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10 Things I Learned
- Quality before quantity–HANDS DOWN!-I had a ton of clothes going into this year no shopping. Some items were of very good quality, others were cheap. After having a number of items disintegrate, explode off of me, or develop holes I am now sold on buying the best quality items for the lowest price possible.
- Set a yearly budget for fashion shopping-I’d never done this before. Before starting the challenge I’d figured out how much I was spending on average each month. I multiplied that by 12 and it was around $3300 for the year. This year I have a budget that will range between $1500-$1800. Update 8/18/2015-I now spend less than $500 a year on clothes-easily. I’ve also discovered ThredUP an online thrift/consignment store with amazing clothing and accessories! Get a $10 credit if you use the link below in the next 30 days.. I still can’t believe that I cut my fashion spending to less than $500 from the $3000 a year average that I was spending-and still get fashion compliments. Receive $10 dollars Today!
- Get rid of 1/2 of your stuff-You have too much stuff. Trust me! Every since I finished the challenge, I’ve given away a substantial amount of items. I just didn’t need all of that stuff and wasn’t using it. I wanted to free up space in my closets-so I got rid of what I wasn’t using. Have you heard of the 80/20 rule? Basically 80% of the time you use only 20% of the stuff that you own. I believe that after this experience.
- Do a wardrobe assessment-See what you already have and work that wardrobe! People shop a lot of times out of habit and boredom. They end up with multiples of the same item. Don’t do this-save your time and money. Know what you have. I discovered that I had a number of duplicate items. Now, I will only buy duplicates in different colors if I’m absolutely obsessed with the item (hey, it has happened more than once!)
- Let your clothes air dry whenever possible–I never did this during my year but I’ve heard that it will extend the life of your clothing. I will be doing this with my special items purchased this year.
- Everyone just needs one trendy item–To make an outfit “pop”-People go overboard with items that are trendwhile trying to stay “on trend.” Just keep it simple.
- Coloradans love saddle bags–This one is random, but I live in Colorado. I actually also love my saddle bag because I ride my bike a lot.
- Skinny jeans work with everything-They are the perfect pant to pair with tunic shirts, sweaters, riding boots, and so much more! Btw-I have a booty and am still able to rock these.
- You can never have too much underwear–I feel very comfortable with this statement. LOL! I had a HUGE bag of Underwear
that I purchased before I started the challenge. I am so glad that I did that. And, I had so much that I still had new pairs at the end of the year.
- The most important takeaway is the following-People notice what you wear-but promptly forget. Everyone has felt the rush after getting a compliment on a great outfit. I think that rush is also what fuels some people’s shopping addictions. Let me tell you that I had a number of people comment on the SAME outfits throughout my No Shopping Year as if they had never seen them before. The only difference in the outfit would be a different accessory or a change of shoes. NO ONE CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU WEAR. SERIOUSLY. Don’t waste your money to be the most fashionable person around. If you’re under the impression that people are noticing your fashion. Basically, speaking-they aren’t. Sorry-it’s true.
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Fashion is an outward representation of how you would like to present yourself and to a certain extent how you feel about yourself. Spend a month observing how you feel in your clothing. Do you feel good? Do you feel uncomfortable? Awkward? Sexy? Frumpy? Whatever you’re feeling acknowledge it and make sure that you are mindful about how you are presenting yourself.
Currently, I am embracing minimalism and this challenge has helped me connect with why I was shopping so much.
My blog used to be called “The Shop My Closet Project” as a nod to using what I already have and becoming a person who spends intentionally and with a nod to my values, saving money, and to how I want to present myself. For the past 365 days I focused on using what I had, being grateful , and taking proper care of my clothing. It was a wonderful experience.
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Would You Do A Year Long
No Shopping Challenge?
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Skinny jeans DO work with everything
My clothing budget has been insane in the past 2 years.. about $10,000 each year. I am hoping this year it will be under $2500.
But you retooled your whole wardrobe AND got pregnant! Also, you have good taste-good taste is expensive.
I agree with you on all those things! I used to buy cheap clothing all the time, thinking I was doing myself a financial favour. Most of those items shrank within a few washes and I even air dried the clothing! Now I am focusing on buying a few pieces that are a bit more expensive but will last longer.
Socks is another one of those staples you can never have too many of in my opinion.
I asked for socks for Christmas. That’s what I found myself needing desperately and my mom really hooked me up! I have all kinds of fun socks that she bought me-think moustache socks, etc. I will no longer buy super cheap clothing with the idea that it’s going to last. It doesn’t.
Aren’t moustache socks the ultimate accessory :)?
I’ve been putting off getting rid of half of my closet, mainly because it’ll take a butt-load of time. Hopefully I can get around to it so that I have more space for when I can actually afford to buy great quality pieces.
I think once you get started things will go quickly! I’ve gotten kind of addicted to getting rid of stuff. Good luck.
lol at the underwear. I have a bit of a lingerie obsession. In 2012 when they stole everything, it was $4,500 worth of lingerie in there too. You can never have too much underwear 🙂
And air drying does make a difference. All the lint in your dryer, that is from your clothes and it wears them quicker. I still use the dryer for some items, mainly my kids clothing, but a lot of mine is air dried. Also means less mending. I get less seams or hems coming undone when I air dry vs a dryer.
Kylie, I’m pretty sure that you have higher end undies than I do!! I’m about to make that switch soon. LOL. I need to get a clothing rack so that I can air dry everything. I had a big problem with socks the whole time. I had a ton but I just wore through them so quickly. I’m thinking very carefully about my first purchase-it’s symbolic!
Paint wooden hangers happy colors (or buy) drill holes across evenly (about 6) thread w ribbon tie on clothespins. This hanger helps marital peace. Wash your dainties in a fine mesh bag. Clip on hangwrs, voila! No more ruined dainties socks or special blouses. These hangers are fashionable & functional space savers. Happy Wardrobe! Debimom
Great ideas! I especially love the mesh bag idea. Why is there always one missing sock??
Number 1 and 5 resonate with me. I used to spend money on crappy clothes and bags. Now, l buy a few pieces that cost, but last way longer. Alas, in Europe, very rarely do the flats come with a dryer, so there is no choice but to air dry. I have come to be very familiar with a Standino!
No more crappy quality in my house! I’ve lived in Europe before and always noticed the quality of clothing but when you grow up thinking a certain way it’s hard to change. Being able to buy tons of clothes for very little money is very addictive, and if I’m honest…FUN! Now, I am thinking a lot about which clothes will last the longest make me feel good when I wear them, and look great over time.
Love this!! And way to go for the entire year – that’s cazy!
I just went to the thrift store (Buffalo Exchange) and picked up a number of super cute tops. I’m not crazy-I’m crazy like a fox! LOL.
Skinny jeans definitely go with everything and you can never EVER have enough underwear. And I totally agree that cheap clothing sucks. I try to buy high quality stuff when it’s on sale.
Congrats on getting through your challenge! That’s really admirable and you have to feel so awesome that you finally made it 🙂
I can’t tell you how much I love skinny jeans. The other thing that is that a good pair of fashionable boots is imperative especially in Colorado. I really didn’t know what I was getting into when I started then I got into a freaky zen-like state of mind and got it done. Now, I’m shifting that kind of focus to my weight and money. Two things that should never be combined.
I have pretty much relied on hand-me-downs from one sister for the past two years. I’ve really shopped my closet but I had way too many clothes and probably still do. I only bought the following in the last two years – 1 pair of capris, 2 tops, 1 sweater. Except for orthotic sandals, I can’t think of anything else. It’s actually quite freeing not setting foot in a mall or even browsing on-line. It’s also so funny when you wear something and one of your daughters or sisters says “Is that new?”.
As an only child I am unfamiliar with hand me downs-LOL! That being said, I am already tired from updating my wardrobe with the items that I absolutely obsessed over for the past years. I love that you rocked your closet style for the past 2 years. I clearly have a much more extreme fashion bug that I’m dealing with. And yes, it’s awesome when someone asks if something is new. Proving yet again that people don’t really pay attention to what other people are wearing.
For a long time I thought I couldn’t wear skinny jeans because they would make me look heavy. I’m so glad bf finally convinced me to buy a pair last year. I love them. I think you’re totally right about people not noticing fashion. Once in a while I get a compliment, but I try not to let it fuel my desire to buy more clothes. I have what I need and I’m happy with that.
I absolutely love “skinny” jeans and I pair them with blouses that balance out my shape. As I have a booty!! If you pair them with great shoes (boots/booties) you can’t help but look sharp. I compliment people because I notice fashion, but honestly I don’t try to remember everything that people are wearing everyday.
Quality at the right price over quantity any day. That is what the French do. Have you ever seen a French woman’s closet? It’s tiny! If people who live in a fashion mecca can do it, surely we can too.
I have seen a French woman’s closet (lived in France) and you are 100% right. We have so much space in our homes that we are compelled to fill them up with stuff. My clothing wardrobe is a lot smaller than last year and I don’t feel like filling it up again.
Quality is indeed over quantity. Great article!
I don’t know why it took a year to learn that lesson! Now that I get it, I will be saving a ton of money.
My solution is to only allow yourself so many hangers. If you buy something, something has to go.
It’s funny that you mention this because I was in the habit of buying more hangers-to accommodate my growing wardrobe. Next weekend I will be giving away a ton of hangers as well as the same number of items that I purchased recently. It’s unbelievable how small and how much nicer my wardrobe is now that I’ve downsized.
That is a great idea. I never really thought about it.
Well the lesson learned form your experience is worth if you understand the fact.Btw you have covered very nice points in your article.So thanks!!
I still find it funny that no one notices what other people are wearing.
Yeah! I agree Michelle! I love travel and that is because I always curious to buy new clothes and accessories for myself. I got inspiration from your post and could try to make my new year with no shopping! Lol…
Baby steps Donald! Maybe try a one month challenge to see how much you save. I think you will be shocked!
Finally FOUND it!! A solution of sorts to the fashion flowing from my closets!! (And my daughter’s! ) I am going to stop shopping for a year (except for underwear of course)
As for duplicates, what do you suggest for recycling, resales etc? I cannot seem to “sort & let go”… I think this is for two reasons one the quality of the clothing is very high & 2, sometimes I like to save sizes for when I lose weight I actually saved two pairs of jeans for 10 years and it was worth it because I lost the weight last year and I can fit into them again!
Also- the comment on true, no one cares what you wear, I like quality & comfort & style (not trends ), true fashion doesn’t get stale.
I would use (affiliate link) to resell your nice duplicates. It’s a win,win. First, you will get a $20 towards any future purchase, second you can request a “Closet Clean Out Kit.” These are awesome! ThredUp will send you the kit (currently it’s free) and then you will add your nice quality typically name brand items to the bag. It has a prepaid shipping label already on it and you just have to drop it off at FedEx or USPS can pick it up. I prefer dropping it off at FedEx.
Great post! Thanks! I’m just wondering if you have any recommendations re quality brands of clothes?
I don’t have a hard and fast brand recommendation…but I tend to be biased towards Made in the USA products. I purchased a pair of Emerson Frye boots two years (on sale LOL!) and those are amazing, amazing boots. Now that I have a good affiliate relationship with I am “buying” much better quality used clothing.
Love the idea of setting a yearly budget for clothes shopping, I would be so interested to see how I got on!
Also agree about quality over quantity! It definitely makes you look after and appreciate your clothes more.
Jill, I will be honest when I say that I was absolutely shocked at how much I was spending on clothing. I wasn’t buying $100 items all the time, I was just popping in several times a month and averaging around $350 a month. That’s the equivalent of $4200. Yep, that caught me off guard.
I am ready to take this challenge. Although illness has caused me to drop 20 lbs. since July, I still think I can do this. Thank you for your inspiration.
I hope you are feeling better and am sorry to hear that you’ve been ill. You may appreciate the time that not shopping frees up for you! Sending good vibes your way.
Just an amazing and thoughtful post! While my fashion budget is like under $100 a year or less ( don’t judge me) , I know I need to buy higher quality in the things I do have and thrifting is where it’s at! Everything that’s lasted has been from the thrift store cuz it’s from rich people giving their clothes away! Haha! Like how you write as well and I encourage you to continue! God Bless!
Thank you so much! No judgement on your $100 clothing budget. My goal is to basically eliminate clothing spending from my budget. I love thrift and have replenished my entire wardrobe for free via my ThredUp affiliate link. I’m just about done with the process and then-no more shopping for awhile. I just want to use what I have. I wish more people would do the same. And, yes, it’s amazing all of the nice clothes rich people give away.
I love the idea of not buying clothes for one year. January is almost over and I have not purchased any so far, so I think I can do this. This is my favorite type of goal. Thanks for the great idea!
The only thing I would suggest is buy a giant bag of undies before you start LOL! Other than that, it’s totally doable.
Good points! I’m probably not gonna stop shopping for a year but I certainly could cut back in that area. 🙂 And as for the cost, I’m lucky to have a Goodwill that sells stuff by weight nearby, so my clothes budget is usually really low. You wouldn’t believe the stuff I find there now and then! Think leather jackets, silk blouses, cashmere sweaters, even a real fur coat in perfect condition once! It’s a hunt of course – you have to spent a lot of time, dig in a pile of junk and sometimes come out empty handed. But for me it’s worth it. By the way, did you know that you could wash leather? In a washer. And the higher the leather quality, the better it will be after the wash. I wash it with castille soap, then use vinegar with a few drops of tea tree oil instead of fabric softener. Then let it air dry and condition it with leather conditioner. More effective than any dry clean, not to mention a lot cheaper. Of course I leave in Arizona, it’s really dry here, so air drying is not a problem. Not sure how it would work for humid climates. Suede can be washed the same way, except you can’t condition it, so it will be stiff at first. But it gets soft again after a couple of wears. Silk ans wool can be washed with certain care too. The moral of the story is: don’t be put off by second hand stuff – it’s good for your budget and the planet. The only real danger here is to be carried away by the bargains and buy a bunch of stuff you don’t really need. But I think I’ve harnessed that demon inside me 🙂 I shop at Thredup too sometimes. 🙂
Olga, mind-BLOWN regarding being able to wash leather. I had no idea. Your Goodwill sounds similar to my Magical Goodwill. I am actually doing another No Shopping Challenge for the month of February so no shopping for me for awhile. You’re completely right that it’s super easy to get addicted to “the hunt!” Now that I am able to shop at ThredUp for free I’m upgrading my wardrobe. Love, love, love ThredUp.
*about leather: rememder to check that it is chrome tanned and not vegetable tanned. Only chrome tanned can be washed in water. (most lether is chrome tanned but some bags and shoes are not and they will be ruined if you waterwash them.) Great post =) thanks
Thanks Stina! I didn’t know about the chrome tanned issue. Will do more research on that 🙂
Nice story. I love clorhes; not sure i would be able to pull it off. What I really want to know is whether you made some purchases prior to “not shopping” to get you through the year, and what those items were. Be honest. 😉
I thought I added that in the post? Underwear. I bought a ginormous amount of undies. Other than that I had a ton of clothes. The worst was when my pants exploded off me twice during the year. I was at work both times. Fun times.
Clothes, not clorhes. :/
Thank you for posting the thredup link! Amazing!
I love that site!! Enjoy 🙂
Wow. My budget is not even close to that. MAYBE I spend $100 a year. Everything you listed is obvious (dryers do ruin clothes) and your yearly budget is insane. Buy things you’ll wear for 10 years. Awful article.
Thanks Pearl for taking time out of your day to comment on my awful article. I don’t spend on clothing anymore and I do buy much better quality that was a hard lesson learned! Have a beautiful day 🙂
everyone’s budget is different, that’s not something someone else can judge. And things are not obvious to everyone, this article made me think about things a little differently and for me, it was a great article.
As for me, i do not want to wear the same thing for 10 years! i understand buying more quality things that last longer… But the same wardrobe for 10 years? boring!
I think she was having a bad day. There is no way that I’m going to wear the same clothes for 10 years. Quality is where it is at. I don’t shop that much anymore but when I do I’m very deliberate and I enjoy every second LOL! Thanks for your support 🙂
“Spend a month observing how you feel in your clothing. Do you feel good? Do you feel uncomfortable? Awkward? Sexy? Frumpy?”…
If you aren’t feeling good in an outfit, put it in a ‘try one more time’ pile. If you still don’t like the outfit, wash it and put it in the give-away pile IMMEDIATELY! Frees up space and you won’t be wearing something you don’t feel your best in.
(Delete this if it has already been mentioned… I didn’t read all the comments.)
Thanks Janis for stopping by! I think it’s important to always remove clothing that makes you feel less than your best. I don’t know why people hold onto those items. I’m just about to start preparing to do my Spring Cleaning and I’m going to be ruthless this time as I pair things down.
Love this article Michelle. Started a 150 day (autum and winter 2016 in South Africa) challenge to stop shopping for clothes. Made a list in 2015 of the items I absolutely needed, still have a few things on it that I am feeling free to acquire. As for everything else, I will “use what I got”. Thanks, keep doing what you are doing..
Thanks Adri for stopping by from South Africa! I would love to hear how much you save during that time. Sending you good vibes!
I turned all my hangers around at the first if the year, when I wear something and put it back in the cupboard, I turn the hanger back around. I can easily see what I am wearing and what hasn’t been touched in the first 4 months of the year. Major cull up ahead! Great article. Good point about quality stuff too. Just bought cheap trousers…one wash and they don’t iron well…taking them back!
It’s hard because so many inexpensive items look cute on the rack but they fray/tear up/etc. a lot more quickly. I don’t want to be replacing my clothes all of the time. I love that trick but I would have set an email reminder to remember why I turned my hangers around LOL!
What do you do if you are an odd size that sold (rarely anything ever fits) and you don’t care all that much for what’s sold anyway?
That’s a hard one because you may need to work with a tailor to get things properly fitted=an additional cost. If you are buying nice quality items that may be something to consider.
Front loading wash machines are also so much easier on clothes! Love the hand wash cycle and no spin options!
I hadn’t even thought of that one! I wonder why front loaders are so much easier on clothes? I am in love with the new machines that have a separate section for delicates.
Nice – this is so true. Perhaps it’s just a reality that comes w experience, when priorities change, etc. Great post!
I’m still a bit amazed that people don’t notice what you wear.
Hello, thank you for the great post! I’m going to have to agree with you on how we think people are paying close attention to what we’re wearing. It seems like I have a similar shopping style to (your past) shopping habits. Not dropping a few hundred in one sitting, but 40-100 every week for cheap / or bad quality clothing that I don’t put much thought into buying. Usually they end up getting worn two or three times in the next month and a half after that and given away by the next season. Your story is definitely my inspiration to start saving money!
The weird thing is that I also tend to buy similar things. I’m so boring. I always buy: cute dresses, jeans, cream or white sweaters, black RIBBED turtlenecks, and fun accessories. I now double check my clothes before I shop because the duplicates are eating up my money. I keep my clothes simple but rock the accessories now. Much cheaper and people notice the accessories but not the clothes.