Every once in a while, I end up taking a somewhat extended break from blogging. It always happens out of the blue. One day I’m just chugging along and then all of the sudden…I slow down. When you’ve been blogging for 7 years like have, there are moments when you just need to take a break (even when you don’t want to admit it to yourself). That happened to me this Spring. I just couldn’t get excited about writing another post, recording another podcast, and the grind just got to me. So, I allowed myself to slow down. I’m glad I did. Every time I’ve taken a break, I’ve ended up refreshed, full of ideas, and experiencing professional breakthroughs. With that being said, here is my April 2019 Blog Income Report.
*In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. Please read my disclosure here.*
April 2019 Blog Income $650.24
Please note that all of my blog income reports show what I’ve actually received in my bank. Then, I will show pending payments to show how those can skew blog income reports. Finally, I’m specifically focused on growing passive income. My ultimate goal is to grow my passive income so that I can live on it. Now I have a pretty good handle on what affiliates, products, and services are a good fit for me and so it’s become easier to monetize my website. As I go into Summer 2019, the changes that I’ve been making to the website for the past year will be finalized.
- $444–Make Money With Ebooks Course sales. I love my course. Seriously, I really do. But, I have not been actively marketing or selling the course as I make some changes to how I run it and…I took a break from the course in addition to blogging. It was great to wake up to sales and now that I’m rested, I will marketing the course like crazy going into summer.
- $206.24–Autumn Stone Romance Books/The Epic Guide to Moving to Colorado-I get monthly payments from my books. Please note that these payments hit my account 60 days after they are earned. If you’re needing a fun summer romance read, check them out!
- Freelance Writing-I am almost done phasing out this part of my business. I did earn some income freelance writing this month.
- Side-Hustles-I still work a fun side-hustle because I’m still paying down my debt. It’s super easy and I still enjoy it. However, I do not include that income in these reports because my focus is on building passive income.
With Pending Earnings: $1575.24
I like to show how income reports change when you share pending earnings. Many people will include pending earnings in their blog income reports. But, it can be confusing to the reader (I think) and a bit…inaccurate if you’re including the same pending earnings every month. An example of this is my EBA earnings. They have been pending since March and could skew my earnings reports each month if I were to share them in my final monthly earnings.
- $850(ish) Pending EBA earnings that will payout in June. For those of you looking to earn affiliate income, make sure to note when different affiliates payout. In the case of EBA, they payout 90 days from the time that their doors close. Ruth Soukup opens the doors for sales once a year and it’s a massive undertaking for her and her team.
- $75-Pending Book earnings that will payout in June
Accidental (On purpose) Blogging Break
Around the end of March I began slowing down as I began to feel mentally burnt out. And, I began focusing on what I wanted to have happen during summer. Basically, from April-May I spend a lot of time thinking about where my areas of focus should be.
In case you’re wondering here they are:
- Course sales with Make Money with Ebooks
- Affiliate Income-Here are the affiliates that do really well for my website
- Amazon
- $10KVA
- Making Sense of Affiliate Income
- Siteground
- Book Sales-Both romance and non-fiction informational products
- Money on the Mountain Ticket sales
It took years to figure this out, but this is my revenue mix. And, now it’s much easier for me to move forward because I know where to focus.
Summer is Money Making Season
Below you’ll see what I made in 2018. Earnings were low until summer and then they picked up significantly. Some key takeaways from last year’s reports:
- Don’t sleep on summer earnings
- Summer is a great time to create and SELL a product
- Book sales happen during the summer
- June through October looks like the “sweet spot” for me. And, you better believe that I’m going to be working like crazy during that time.
Related Posts 2018
- $455.42–February 2018 Blog Income Report
- $382.87–April 2018 Blog Income Report
- $217.96–May 2018 Blog Income Report
- $821.09–June 2018 Blog Income Report
- $540.00-July 2018***For some reason I didn’t create an income report for July. I’m thinking it’s because I was writing books and working on my course.
- $1053.68–August 2018 Blog Income Report
- $2694.12– September 2018 Blog income Report
- $1,149.52–October 2018 Blog Income Report
- $860.96–November 2018
- $303.55-December 2018
Thinking About Starting a Blog?
I love blogging! It has been an incredible experience, transformed my life, and connected me with a ton of amazing people. Blogging is a pretty cheap activity and I recommend hosting your blog with Siteground. Many bloggers have begun leaving HostGator and BlueHost and moving to Siteground. Myself included! Read why I’m leaving HostGator and BlueHost (I have 2 blogs one on each hosting platform) and moving to Siteground. If you’re a new blogger Siteground will cost around $3.95 a month (depending on the size of your audience). They have great customer service and tutorials on how to host your new WordPress blog on Siteground. Check out the following guide by Elite Blog Academy on how to set up your blog.
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Your income reports are pretty dam awesome!. I’ve really been thinking about starting my own blog and I’m convinced that Siteground would be the place too start. I like the looks of the set up. You’ve got a good blog here.
Thanks Beau!