2012 What A Crazy Year Will only Focus On the good... *Music used in video-Amber 311, Washed Out, Paul Dateh Plus, 4 babies, 4 friends who moved to overseas locales to find …
Minus $330-What a way to start the New Year
I think it was New Year's Eve 2006. Things weren't going well. I was suffering from a lack of passion encompassing basically everything. The problem was made worse by a severe lack of direction and …
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The Great Migration-to WordPress!
Hi Everyone, You may have noticed some changes to my site! I decided to switch from Blogger to Wordpress. Happily, Denver Eric walked me through (read-did) the conversion for me! If I had done this …
September is done! So, here’s a recap!
September was a mixed success. The No Grocery Shop Challenge has gone really well I have spent since September 3, 2012 around $280 for food. This includes: groceries, happy hour, and miscellaneous …
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How you look on paper
If you're reading a personal finance blog you are probably aware (on some level) of how you look on paper. Some of you are in relationships: dating, or married. Some of you are single. This post is …
Dave Ramsey is only allowed in the Garage. Or, why I like him…but, don’t love him!
I really like many of Dave Ramsey's financial philosophies. The baby steps make a lot of sense: 1.) have an emergency account 2.) Start with the smallest debt-begin paying things off 3) accelerate …