You may have noticed that I disappeared for a bit. Well, just for the past week. No new posts or podcasts, barely a tweet…I just didn’t have the energy. In fact, I’ve felt pretty exhausted since I returned from FinCon15.
My head has been racing: full of ideas, projects, and to do lists. I want to try so many new things and then I went to another conference called Type A Con this weekend in Atlanta, GA and learned even more stuff that would be helpful as I work harder on my business related goals.
Myself and two of my wonderful mastermind members (Kim Anderson and Toni Husbands) presented the following panel: How a Mastermind will Grow Your Blog. It was very well attended and we received great feedback.
Stuff is starting to happen. And, no, it’s not fast. I started blogging as an outlet in 2012 and really had no plan for it. I just knew that I enjoyed the process, loved connecting with people, and needed to deal with my stuff. I kept putting one foot in front of the other.
Over time, you begin getting results from all of your hard work. And when the results arrive there is this mind trip thing where it feels like it happened overnight.
Recently the Following Has Happened:
- Client Changes I-I lost a client that I was already thinking about giving notice. The Universe made the choice for me!
- Client Changes II-I Added some phenomenal clients that I met at FinCon15. I am incredibly excited about the projects that I will be working on-and I will be payed more too.
- Pitched an event with another cool blogger for FinCon16 and it is a GO!
- Spoke at a conference this past weekend in Atlanta and will be speaking at another conference in Chicago in November. It’s a small regional conference but it will be a great experience.
- Started a No Sugar Challenge for the next month. Basically, I’m trying to eat as little sugar/added sugar as possible. I am looking at every food item that I pick up and anything over 10 grams of sugar-I don’t eat it.
- Worked on my goals/plans from now through December 2016.
- Started an exercise regime. Have begun training for a Stair Climb in February and a 1/2 marathon in May.
- Still fighting laryngitis. Sigh.
- Changed my hair-it’s darker for Fall.
Things that HAVE to Happen:
- Work on newly received projects and ROCK them!
- Finish planning my trip to see my Grandma. Happily, the plane ticket was only $50 roundtrip.
- Schedule my posts for December. As is my normal practice, I will be taking a break from blogging from December 13, 2015-January 2, 2016. I will have new content publishing on the site during that time-but, I will be off the internet as much as possible during that time.
- Finish all pending projects.
- Start ‘Scoping (Periscope) regularly and get used to how it works.
- Begin working on pitches for 2016 conferences that I plan to attend. The conferences that I plan on going to will begin their call for speakers and panelists in early January (I’m guessing). I would like to have all of my pitches and ideas ready to roll so that I can just copy and paste my pitches as soon as they open up their call for submissions.
- Schedule talks for January 2016-I am really focusing on this part of my business. I had a fantastic time working on and presenting the Mastermind panel and would like to present/talk about other topics that I care about and believe will provide value to readers.
- Vaguely begin thinking about refreshing and updating my site. This would be an ongoing process of tweaking and refreshing things on the site a little bit at a time.
- Creating a new logistics schedule. My schedule isn’t working in the way I need it to so I have to rethink my process. I may need to seriously consider getting a virtual assistant. I’d like to work on my process first and create some process protocols.
- Stay consistently ahead on both of my sites: The Shop My Closet Project and Colorado Luv Hub. Normally I have my editorial calendar set for 2 months. I add and change things each week, but I love having a large number of posts already ready-just in case.
- Continue connecting with people to interview for my podcast Girl Gone Frugal.
- Prepare for the Holiday Giveaway challenge that I am super excited about. Let’s help others 🙂
I’m Feeling Overwhelmed
I want to do everything and nothing and I am aware that what I do now will have a ripple affect for later. So, I’m spending some time rethinking how I’m approaching freelancing, the blogs, opportunities that come my way, and the podcast(s) as I actually have two. I realize that disappearing acts happen when you just want to catch up on sleep, hide, or are feeling overwhelmed. That’s where I’m at right now.
Things are starting to happen so this is the moment where I have to dig deep. I’m exhausted, I keep straining my voice at these events (it’s driving me crazy right now) but-I’m starting to see results from all of my hard work. I can’t coast right now.
As you know I follow the Miracle Morning process. I was getting up super early, and then slacked off for a bit. I am now back on getting up early-those days are much more productive. I just have to manage my health and get enough sleep to get my projects done.
How Are You Doing?
Latest posts by Michelle (see all)
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It sounds like you have a ton on your plate, Michelle! But tons of great opportunities. I understanding how overwhelming it can be. I’m trying to balance my full-time job, blogging, and side jobs. It’s not easy! I’m sure your break was needed. And hopefully you’re feeling energized.
Thanks! I am not one to say “no” to opportunities, but I won’t lie when I say I can’t wait to have my time off so that I can refresh myself and execute them as well as I would like.
Congratulations on all the speaking gigs and conference stuff! I can lose my voice easily so I can understand how that can happen. I’m taking this month too to regroup and think about how I want to approach things. A client I work with has really been a jerk but it’s 90% of my pay at this moment so I feel kind of stuck. I’m just trying to save my ass off and find new clients so I can get out of that situation. I’m also having to rethink how I do videos on my site…long story. Good luck getting it all figured out and sorted. I realized that I had to cut back instead of add more to really try and focus on those one or two things that are most important.
Sorry about Mr. Jerk! I do think that you’re doing the right thing by finding new clients to get out of the situation. I hope it’s not a bad thing re: your videos? I am about to finish up some smaller gigs that aren’t really contributing to my “big picture.” That will free up time and mental energy to work on what really counts. Sending good vibes!
I’m overwhelmed just by reading this, Michelle. You’ve got a lot going on, but it’s all so positive/genius and I’m excited for you! I’ve been super swamped since FinCon but it’s a good thing and I still don’t know how people managed to pull off other conferences right after. Getting ahead on blogging to take a break in December sounds wonderful and this has actually motivated me to keep working ahead each week so I can do the same. I’m hoping to do a site redesign this month and a giveaway in December to celebrate my blogoversary so I’ve still got a ton to do.
CHONCE!! That’s awesome re: the site redesign. Who are you working with? I need to start collecting names. I just know that I am about to go into a really work heavy year so I just want to get a little rest so I can manage everything well. I am not sure how I managed going to Type A either-am beat. Am glad to hear that you’ve been swamped since FinCon too! We are making things happen 🙂
Everybody has times when they get overwhelmed and need a break. We understand! I hope you are able to get things sorted out and go in a direction that you love!
Thanks Cat, I am looking forward to next week-I don’t have side hustles so I can spend some time really figuring out how to approach the next year logistically.
Congrats on everything that is happening for you. I’m sure you will be able to make those things happen. A blogging break sounds nice. Unfortunately, I can’t take one. December is the month where I plan on creating a lot of content for the new year.
I spend the next two months creating a lot of content for the next year so it’s really, really intense between now and then-but the break is so worth it!
You’ve got so much going on, no wonder you’re feeling exhausted! It’s so good that you’re able to realize that you need to reevaluate things to make your workflow process more efficient before you end up totally burnt out. I totally feel you on trying to be more efficient and having a solid morning routine to help increase productivity. That’s something I’m really trying to focus on myself. Good luck with everything!
Thanks Jessica! I have to rethink it now because things are starting to happen. If I don’t make adjustments I won’t be able to do what I need to do and do it well. It kind of caught me off guard how much stuff I have going on. Sending you good luck too!
You’re a busy lady! No doubt you’ll meet all your goals though 🙂
I think I’m going to bed at 8:00 p.m. tonight-need the rest. And CONGRATS on killing your debt repayment goals.
Sometimes is necessary to stop, think, readjust work/clients & co, so considering how you are busy is normal have moments where you want stay alone and doing nothing apart sleep, is ok…for Client I yes universe helped you and client II I’m happy for you I’m sure you’ll do a great job because you already love the project…
Girl, yes! I’ve been feeling this way, too. I want to do so much, but we’re also in the process of moving I’m scared that if I take on a lot I won’t be able to get work done to the best of my ability. Eeeek. I’m so excited things are happening for you, it’s sounds amazing! I can’t wait to be at FinCon next year to take part in your Karaoke. I’ll be rapping to Drake I’m sure. LOL.
Hi Taylor-it’s a Lip Synch Battle so you have to be on your A-Game (not karaoke LOL!). If you’re moving don’t get started until after the move is done.
Welcome back, Michelle. You were actually missed. If you have something in mind, I am sure it’s a fantastic idea so make it happen. Good luck.
Thanks Jayson! I looking forward to getting a lot done, especially as it gets colder.
Lots and lots on your plate! You are so organised, I have no doubt you’re gonna smash it all.
I am refining my process because I think there is the potential to burnout in a spectacular way.