Recently, I’ve been feeling a bit down. Like most people, I have certain goals that I’m working towards and projects that I’m working towards and sometimes I get frustrated with the progress that I’m making. Recently, I began taking some time to really assess my progress and was surprised to discover that I was doing better than I expected. I figured if I’m having these types of thoughts, that other people may be too. And, July is a great time of year to begin something new, or breathe life into a project or goal that you’re working on.
*In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. Please read my disclosure here.*
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- The Money on the Mountain Retreat-Looking for a space to talk about money from the financially single woman’s perspective? Like Yoga, happy hour, and cool people who want you to win with your money? The Money on the Mountain Retreat will be held October 2019 in beautiful Denver, Colorado. Check out the retreat details at: or Text: MONEYONTHEMOUNTAIN to 44222 to get on the list and stay in the loop!
- Make Money with Ebooks-Get $50 off the Group and VIP tiers of Make Money with Ebooks today! Use the code: Birthday2019. The sale ends on July 24, 2019.
Show Notes
- I have a question for you…what can you get done in the next year? Or, better yet, what would you like to make happen by Summer 2020?
- Start that blog?
- Write that Book?
- Meet the One?
- Create a family (in whatever way that happens for you)
- Launch a course?
- Lose or gain weight?
- Launch a movement/grow your brand
- A few weeks ago I was feeling a bit frustrated with my debt-repayment journey. For some reason I decided to look back at the beginning to now and get a better feel for where I was at. I’d underestimated (by a lot) the amount of debt that I’ve paid off, and the subsequent cumulative affect on my life. What this currently looks like.
- Thousands of dollars in debt eliminated
- A rapidly shrinking number of entities that I’m financially obligated to
- Increasing simplicity to my financial life.
- Then, I spent some time looking at some of my business/personal goals.
- Increased my passive income steadily each month since January 2018 when I first decided to track my earnings. This year it has gotten ridiculously easy to make passive income and I can’t imagine how things would be if I hadn’t started tracking that income. By the way, I made a whopping $22.84
- Have been asked to speak at more events.
- Podcast Movement 2019
- Outlier Festival 2019
- Was asked to become a podcast mentor for the inaugural “From the Margins to the Center“ podcast incubator program launched out of Denver, Colorado at the House of Pod. And, I was paid for my time.
- What YOU Can Do!
- Be Kind to Yourself-Your journey will ebb and flow
- Decide what you want to focus on for the next year, understanding that focusing on more than 2 areas of focus will likely slow down your progress.
- You can’t do everything (and, that’s ok)
- Create the simplest systems that set you up for success
- Visualize the end result. I love using a Vision Board to help me with this.
- Whenever possible, try to have fun working towards your goal
- Measure your success using the metrics that make sense. But, don’t lose your mind over this. If you’re paying off $100 of debt each month-that’s still a win because you’ve gotten into the habit of paying off debt. Then, gradually increase the amount. Don’t set yourself up for failure with unattainable or extremely difficult to attain wins.
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Resource-Do It Ugly Toolkit
If you’re waiting to write your first blog post, record your first podcast, write that book, or create that course. Stop waiting and “Do It Ugly.“ Grab this free resource to get started today.
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[…] One Year From Now […]