It is coming up on almost a year of being on my own having cut the employment string and jumping into self-employment. I’ve mentioned (more than once) that I made this move because I felt that I was not spending my time in activities that reflected my values. I value working hard, but I didn’t want to work in such a way that keep me away from the people that I love for extended periods of time. My old job did that.
I don’t really wan’t talk about what was-it’s over. But, it’s important to say that I left my old job so that I could spend time on what’s important. So, it’s off to Grandma’s house I went. She lives in Central Illinois, in a town surrounded by what seems like are endless rows of corn.
The town is quiet, so quiet that I always get a little squirrely towards the end of each stay. Most of the factories have closed and the town is rapidly losing its young people-you need to have work. The thing is, this town provided a good life for my immediate and extended family. Most of my relatives own homes here, have raised their families here, and buried their loved ones.
It is hard for me to visit because I remember the “before” as a little girl and there was so much life and energy in this town..and it seems to be fading away.
None of that matters.
Spending time with grandma, my Grandma-is priceless. I am reminded as I talk to her about politics, money, life, and everything in-between that I’m part of something and even though things aren’t always the way that I would like them to be with my family-they are the family that I’ve got and I love them with all my heart…even when I feel like I’m from another planet when I’m with them.
I search for common ground, I ask about recipes, relatives, and of course pepper her with questions about personal finance. We talk about the upcoming election and am told that I’m conservative by my bleeding heart liberal uncle (his words not mine)..and compared to many of my family members I am!
My Grandma has lived in her home for my entire life, it is paid off and she has a comfortable pension that she earned from years working a forklift in a factory. The tales that she shares about being a farm kid, going out after a long day at work, and the gossip that happens between her and her sisters I greedily hold onto.
Tomorrow we will hang out at TJ Maxx or Ross (it’s a small town) and then maybe she will stop at Starbucks for me because I’m a coffee snob-she’s content with the coffee in her home. Then on Saturday we will go to Red Lobster for our ritual visit-even though I don’t eat at chain restaurants. I do love going to Red Lobster with my Grandma though, it’s awesome.
Working for myself has giving me something that I needed badly-time. I still work hard, maybe harder in some respects. However, I now have time. I can fly to my Grandma’s house and visit her without getting permission from my boss. I can meet my mom for coffee, and go hiking with my friends.
I can show up.
As I get older I realize the importance of actions matching what I say. I was called out on it recently in regards to my money. I clearly was, I valued people over money and I was right too. As I prepare to present at another conference this week I look forward to going back home and deepening my roots. Of meeting new friends, hanging out with old ones, and working in such a way that allows me to save money and show up.
As I shift gears and work hard on debt elimination and wealth accumulation I will hold on to the memories of this weekend with my Grandma.
I’ve made the right choice. Now it’s time to make some money so that I can plan my next trip to see my Grandma.
I can’t wait.
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That flexibility is the best thing about self employment. Enjoy your grandma!
I am having a great time with my grandma, am feeling super happy and ready to work hard (and not travel) for the next 6 months.
I guess they are none too fond of our new governor then. LOL! Welcome to blue state heaven (or hell depending on your perspective). I need to go see my grannies and they are both within a 20 minutes drive. I must do better. Thanks for the reminder.
You should visit them! It’s hard for me because I live so far away (and I don’t like where she lives)a really small town. And no, my uncle doesn’t like the Governor.
Enjoy spending quality time with your Grandma. You’re lucky to have a flexible work schedule Michelle. One advantage of being self-employed.
It’s flexible enough! Am having a great time with my Grandma!
I’ve lost my grandparents when I was 13 so I didn’t have opportunity to share moments like yours, you0re very lucky, be glad about single moments you spent with her, I’m sure you’ll enjoy time spent together!
Giulia, I am sorry for your loss. I am very, very appreciative of the time that I have with my grandma and I don’t want her to ever feel like I’ve taken her for granted. We are having a good time and I’m very glad that I made sure that I took this trip.
That’s good that you are taking the time to see your Grandma. I wish I could see mine at lease one more time. She passed nearly 2 years ago. I’m glad I visited her as much as I could though.
When your relatives begin to get older (as am I) I get what’s important. I’m sorry to hear about your Grandma, but I’m glad that you got to spend time with her.
Great you’re taking time to spend with your family. I feel like you can work as hard and make as much money as you want, but there will never be as much satisfaction as the time spend with your grandma or other family members. I love that you quite your job and started self-employment. I’ve been self-employed for 2 years now and it’s changed my life for the better. Loving the stuff you write. Will be back more often 🙂
Hi Peter, thank you so much for your kind words! I really enjoyed spending time with my Grandma and she seemed to enjoy it too. I’ve gotten pretty introspective these days. What’s the point to life if you’re alone? So, I’m making sure to spend time on what I value and with the people that I value.