I am one of those blog readers who loves to read other blogger’s monthly earnings reports. I wait for them with baited breath and then I spend time going through the line items as if I were an archeologist on a dig. Searching for the tiniest clues to see how I too can start earning passive income.
I should say that there are parts of my life where I have the potential to earn passive income. I have a retirement savings that is growing on a daily basis, I have a home with a pretty low mortgage that I would like to rent out in the next two years and earn rental income.
When I began blogging I never thought about making an income from it. In fact, the possibility of doing that was the furthest/farthest thing from my mind. I just loved the process of sharing, writing, and building a community of wonderful readers. Because of your support I’ve made some huge changes in my life. If you would like to start your own blog click here.
As time went on the idea of making income from my blog became more and more appealing. But, I had no idea (or the readership) to make that happen. So, I started working on this project. I’ve done a ton of research, looked at what other bloggers have done, actively worked on growing my readership, and committed to the process.
Just Call Me Ishmael
If you’ve never read Moby Dick or watched one of the many movies, you’ll know that Ishmael is the only survivor of Captain Ahab’s obsession with finding and killing the “Great White Whale.” The Captain basically destroys himself in his quest to kill the whale (and everyone else).
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the best way to monetize this blog. When I started blogging I never had the idea that it would even be possible for me to make money actively from my blog. I was just sharing my story and letting the readers come along for the ride. I didn’t want to harm my blog by aggressively monetizing it, but I did want to accept the challenge of figuring out how to make money passively.
With that in mind I spent a lot of time over the past year researching, thinking and figuring out the best way to monetize and I figured out a way that is comfortable for me and hopefully not jarring to my wonderful readers.
In case you’re wondering, I actually began actively focusing on monetization at the end of September/beginning of October.
Focus on Value
And, continue sharing my story. I noticed that when some sites switched to monetization they:
- Stop sharing their story. Isn’t that why I’m coming to your blog?
- Have pop ups-EVERYWHERE. I can handle one discreet pop up (my bar at the top) but that’s about it.
- Are too hard hitting with their sales pitch. It makes me crazy.
I want to share the services, information, and guidance that I’ve actually used that have changed my life. I want to continue telling my readers about my successes, failures, and everything in between. I don’t want to get lost in the process and that is why I spent so much time thinking about the best way to approach blog monetization.
The Editorial Calendar is Key
I’ve also spent a lot of time working on my editorial calendar. I’m trying to make sure that there is a balance in what I’m writing and that I’m not oversharing all of the amazing tools and information that I’ve found out about on this stressful journey that I’ve been on. I want to share about my dating woes, my savings struggles, my debt, and the reality of growing an online business.
I would like to be honest and upfront with my readers that I am on the search for ongoing sustainable passive income and that I’m keeping in mind the integrity of my site and the importance of my story. As I figure this out I will also share my experience so that you, too, can grow your blogging income (if you’re a blogger).
October Passive Earnings:
- $105 Google adSense-First time I received a payout
- $120-ThredUp.com-Amazing online thrift store. Just received my first Coach bag using my credits. It’s a satchel for carrying my laptop, etc. Excellent condition.
- $38.61-Affiliate Network (no payout until it hits $100)
I don’t expect to make substantive earnings until after the New Year. Progress has been slow also because I’ve attended 3 conferences this fall (September/October/November) I’m very excited to stay close to home after this upcoming conference (will also visit my grandma!) In order to do the things that I’m trying to do I need time and I need to be focused. The travel has been affective, but I’m finding that I’m having a lot of difficulty staying focused because I can’t develop a routine. That’s a blog post that I’m sharing later today.
Just call me Ismael. I will keep working hard to earn passive income from this blog. I’ll keep you posted as I work on this process!
Bloggers, Have You Dealt With The Monetization Process?
How Did You Manage It?
How did I get into freelancing for myself? I started a blog, I changed my life, and imagined more for myself. It hasn’t been easy but I’m making it happen. If you’re interested in starting a blog check out my post on How To Start A Blog, Change Your Life, and Find Your Tribes. I use Bluehost and if you click on my affiliate link you can host your blog for $3.49 a month. See How You Can Set Up a WordPress Blog in 15 Minutes Please note: I may receive some compensation if you use purchase a package through this link
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I’m just in the process of getting rid of adsense on my blog because it’s been useless for me, and as far as other affiliates, I guess I just don’t generate the traffic to make it count, so I’m not going to clutter up my site anymore. Some bloggers do a more effective job of masking their sales, others don’t, and I tend not to read or comment on those. I just heard a podcast with MMM recently, and he does affiliates, but only on things he really uses or believes in. Overall I think that’s the way to go, but hey, we all need to pay rent and eat food. I’m not a big fan of sponsored posts, but I still do them because they have the biggest payout for me.
It has been a really, really long process on my part exactly because of what you mentioned. I didn’t want my site to look ugly, traffic needs to be a certain level, and I agree with Mr. Money Mustache you should only be sharing what you use and are happy with. There are several people in my Mastermind Group who are doing quite well with affiliate income and that is more where I’m going. Google Adsense is not the end game for me-mind you it took almost 4 years to get that payout LOL!! Sponsored posts are tricky too because to me they “read” the same as other sales posts if not done really well. The whole process is super, super tricky and I think that there is no right way to do it. My goal is to try as hard as I can to really, really think about my experience as a reader and what turns me off when reading blogs. I also am thinking hard about what would be annoying to my readers. At the end of the day, I have to eat too and there are no more free activities in the Jackson household.
I might actually hit my Adsense payout level by the end of the year. Maybe. It’s taken all year to reach it. I guess it can’t hurt to keep it around.
Affiliates… I guess there aren’t really many products I’m keen to promote, sigh. I’m just not sure that my audience type/size is receptive anyway.
I stopped doing sponsored posts for ages, but I will consider them on a case by case basis.
It’s funny to me that it has taken so long to get that Adsense payout. The next one looks like it will be coming a lot faster than the last one. There are a number of items/services that I use that have been super helpful for me so we’ll see how that process goes! Will keep you posted.
Congrats Michelle!. I received my 1st Google Adsense payment as well in October. It was $1 less than yours. It took me a long time to get it as well. I also received money from two sponsored post as well. Including my eBay money October was the best side hustle month that I’ve had all year. I’m working on continuing the growth.
That’s awesome Jason! Rock the passive income. Keep on rocking it Jason.
Girl, I love this! Not only are we on the same passive income journey, but you referenced literature. In love.
Yay! I am crazy about reading. Let’s rock that passive income. Over this active income bullsh$t.