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We have already established that I am an Accidental Hipster. So, when I talk about manifesting what you want in your life regular readers shouldn’t be alarmed by the direction that this post is going. So today we’re going to talk about how to create a vision board that will change your life.
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Listen to the Entire Foundation (Podcast) Series
- Creating the Best Vision Board for Your Year
Want to Start a Blog?
I love blogging! It has been an incredible experience, transformed my life, and connected me with a ton of amazing people. Blogging is a pretty cheap activity and I recommend hosting your blog with Siteground. Many bloggers have begun leaving HostGator and BlueHost and moving to Siteground. Myself included! Read why I’m leaving HostGator and BlueHost (I have 2 blogs one on each hosting platform) and moving to Siteground. If you’re a new blogger Siteground will cost around $3.95 a month (depending on the size of your audience). They have great customer service and tutorials on how to host your new WordPress blog on Siteground.
What Exactly IS A Vision Board?
In my view , a vision board is a visual representation of the life events/goals/dreams that you would like to manifest/create and have set into motion for the future. Below is a very nice Vision Board that I found online that illustrates a well thought out representation of what this person was focused on at that moment in time.
By looking at the board below you make the following assumptions:
- Person might be a little burnt out
- Needs calm
- Probably meditates does yoga
- Would like to travel
- Needs more time for what’s important
- Would like to focus on their health/well-being
How To Create A Vision Board
There are a lot of ways to create a vision board, I’ve made them for several years and have done it several different ways. I’m going to give you some different ideas and things to watch out for.
You Need:
- A large cork board (Click here for an example of the cost)/a diary with blank pages/computer program with photo editing (not my favorite), or a big sheet of sturdy contact paper.
- To spend at least a week or so meditating on what you want in your life. Preferably, what you want in the next 1-3 years. I find though that it’s better to focus on a year to a year and a half. The longer the amount of time the more likely that what you want WON’T happen.
- After that week or so of meditating write down what you want and don’t be embarrassed by what you’re dreaming of for yourself.
- Split your dreams into the appropriate quadrants such as: Money/Career/Love/Fitness/Travel/Relationships/Spirituality you get the picture
- Start finding beautiful pictures from old magazines that illustrate what you want.
- The pictures are beautiful because you want a beautiful life (I hope!)
- Keep the board uncluttered. The more cluttered it is the less likely the “Universe” will understand what you want.
- Think of adjectives or verbs that describe how you want your life/actions to be.
- Display your board where you can see it every day.
- Over time you can tweak it as needed.
What A Vision Board Does
It creates clarity in YOUR mind about what you want for YOU. By creating clarity you also create consistency in the messaging that you’re sending out to the “Universe.” Your sub-conscious and conscious actions begin to align with what you want for yourself.
Initially, you will think this is all a bunch of bull. But, it really does work. I think it works because your dreams stop being abstract because you are looking at what you want for yourself every day. Unless you’ve lied about what you want your actions will be aligned with what you’ve stated you want.
Be Audacious
Be honest about what you want and dream big. This is for you! If you want to make $80,000 this year (or more) but that on your board. What if you end up making $65,000 but it’s still more than what you used to earn? I still consider that a win.
Small dreams=small results.
Some Inspirational Quotes
“Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blue prints of your ultimate achievements.”
~Napoleon Hill
“Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.”
~Langston Hughes
There are those who look at things the way they are and ask why… I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?”
~Robert Francis Kennedy
Example of My 2014 Vision Board

I almost always make my boards at the end of the previous year or after the New Year. My board included the following:
- Going to Hawaii-Had no idea that I would end up going twice in two months. At the time that I made this board, I was still working at my old job. I did have good vacation time but I couldn’t have done the trip that I’m currently on. I would have had a maximum of three weeks vacation-so I couldn’t have done both Hawaii and Australia.
- Going to Sydney, Australia-Again, I wanted to go to Sydney, but I was concerned about the distance, amount of time needed for that trip, and the cost. I just don’t see the point of going that far for 2 weeks.
- Ray Ban glasses- Don’t laugh, I always wanted a pair and ended up getting them from Buffalo Exchange for a steal!
- I wanted to lose weight-I haven’t lost as much as I would like to lose but I have slowly but surely lost weight this past year and feel a lot better about myself.
- Ride on a catamaran-just did that this past weekend. Almost forgot that I had purchased a Groupon prior to my trip. I’ve never wanted to go on a cruise with millions of people but I’ve always wanted to ride in a catamaran or a yacht. I redeemed my Groupon on Saturday and spent 2 hours looking at humpback whales and giant turtles
But, Wait-There’s More!
- Something related to Tennis-I am mildly obsessed with tennis and have the goal to see all 4 tennis opens. The hardest one to go to would be the Australian Open because it’s so far away. I have now checked that one off my bucket list. I went to the Australian Open and watched 3 weeks of world class tennis.
- Love-Nothing happened with love and thank goodness for that. I was too stressed out to be a good girlfriend to anyone. Instead, I worked on myself and this year I will be a fabulous and relaxed girlfriend! Again, timing is everything.
- ***For Money I Had A Picture of A White Ceramic Piggy Bank***-My intention was to encourage saving money. This wasn’t clear enough for the Universe. And I actually ended up getting a white ceramic piggy bank. It’s super cute. But, my intention was to draw more money into my life…not loose change. I should have had a picture of a bank and the amount I wanted to save. This year I will be really clear about the amount I want to earn and save.
Image Source: Basically, what my piggy bank looks like. Mine is a little cuter though.
***Not everything on your Vision Board will happen when you want it to and that’s good. You don’t want to force things to happen. You want things to “flow.” I did have other things on the board that I’m still working on and will update my board for 2015 when I get home next week to reflect new goals and ongoing goals.
In Addition To My Vision Board I Did The Following
- Purchased a Bath and Bodyworks 3 Wick Hawaiian Candle and a Sydney 3 Wick Candle. Am being totally serious. I also created passwords that connected to what I was dreaming of-all will be changed LOL! Basically, I kept everything in line and focused on what I wanted
- I Journaled-I wrote about what I wanted for myself on a weekly basis.
- I Meditated-I tried to really focus on what I wanted not necessarily everyday, but at least once a week I would think about what I wanted.
- Shared My Dreams-With supportive friends. Mind you, you do have to be mindful not to drive people crazy. You also have to exist in the now. Don’t be so focused on your dreams that you forget about being in the moment.
- Got Uncomfortable-Last year I spent a lot of time digging around in my own psyche trying to figure out how I got in my own may. Some of this reflection happened via self-help books, journaling, and truly listening to what people were saying to me…about me! Then, I worked on those issues daily. I also changed my daily habits and questioned everything that I was doing to get the results that I was getting…and didn’t want. I had to “own” my part in how I was manifesting my life.
- Acknowledge That It’s An Ongoing Process-As you realize your dreams hopefully you have new ones that you decide to focus on. Or, get comfortable working on dreams/goals that haven’t come to fruition. Don’t focus on them with a grim, anxious glitter in your eye. Focus on them with determination, hope, and anticipation. If you focus on what you want with joy and hope that’s very different than fear and bitterness. Joy and hope draws good things, fear and bitterness will repel what you want-or draw in the wrong energy and you will end up attracting the wrong: people/opportunities/etc.
2018 Vision Board Update
I thought it would be fun to share some of the current goals/areas of focus on my 2018 board. You’ll notice that some of these goals were listed in 2014. I mentioned that every goal happens on its own time-my weight loss goal is an example of that.
- Lose 31 lbs-I can’t wait to lose at least 1/2 of that, if not all, in the next seven months. Will take it slow and easy
- Fall in Love-I think he’s hiking on a mountain somewhere
- Become fluent in Spanish-I understand quite a bit-but, I sound horrible when I speak. Time to work on that
- Set up the foundation for life-changing income via my digital businesses
- Michelle is Money Hungry website
- Girl Gone Frugal (again) podcast
- Colorado Luv Hub website
- Square State podcast
- Pay off the remainder of my unsecured debt!!! This would be so huge
- Be on Miami Vice-Yes, I’m serious
I’m looking forward to seeing what happens with this year’s goals. I have a lot more mentally energy to kick them out of the park-will keep you posted!
People get so stuck in the idea that this feels touchy feely or new agey. Who cares? What does it hurt to try it out? Make a board and see what happens by the end of the year. Let me know if you do this-I would love to hear how it goes!
Have You Ever Made A Vision Board?
What Was Your Experience Like?
Grab Your Unapologetically Money Hungry Money Manifesto TODAY!
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love this post and I am absolutely agree with vision board adding a write list of goals!!!
Thanks Giulia!! Have you made a vision board before??
I and my wife made a vision board five days after we got married. It was like a masterpiece the way we see it. We worked on it for three days but the conceptualization took much longer. It was fun and very meaningful as it made us think how our life is and should be. Nice vision board, Michelle!
Now I have to ask-do you feel like it worked? And-thanks for the newlywed activity idea!
Ooh, that’s interesting, Jayson. I got married about 5 months ago, and sometimes I think my husband and I are not totally aligned with our goals and ideas of what the future should look like and how we want to shape it. I might propose this idea to him.
Jayson & Mrs. I love the idea of a joint vision board. I have been married for 26+ years and now plan on making one with my hubs. Thank you for the idea!
I am not married but I can’t imagine doing a vision board separate from your spouse! I can’t wait to hear about the process. Let me know how it goes!
I did create my vision board finally about a month ago so, and I’ve had them in the past but just not last year, and I wonder if that’s why I was a little more unfocused last year…especially after the half marathon. For some reason I was pretty focused with that. All in all I’d say it can’t hurt. I’m trying to be more and more careful about the energy I’m putting out there, even when I’m home alone and just talking or thinking to myself. 🙂
Ooohh!! That’s very interesting. I think you’re a pretty focused person with or without the board. Let me know what happens with the board this year!! The self-talk is my most challenging issue…I’ve really had to work on that.
Another good post, Michelle. I had never seriously contemplated creating a Vision Board before (partly because of the ‘new agey’ aspect of it, but I think you make a good point that SEEING your dreams and goals every day reinforces them.
We’ve established my hippy street cred. At least I bathe! If you do one let me know! Am working on mine this week.
I would love to create a vision board. It would be a good motivating project for me to take on once I find the time.
Do it soon as it’s March next week-where has the time flown??Let me know how it goes if you do 🙂
This is a great reminder to get back to the vision board I started last year – but got distracted, which is the story of my life!
The specific part of your post with the most impact on me is the bit about getting ‘uncomfortable’… Something I need to do. Immediately! I’m already sure I sabotage my dreams but, now is the time to discover exactly how I’m doing that and STOP!
Life’s too short to settle for an ordinary existence. 🙂
Remember, it took me the past three years to make some pretty huge changes in my life. I can tell you that I feel the most energized that I’ve felt in years. I am about to rock a huge level of discomfort doing freelancing, etc. But I’m up for it and I’ve always found the moments when I’m most uncomfortable to be the ones where I grow the most. When you complete your board let me know how it goes!
I love this idea. Whenever I order my bulletin board (which should be soon), I plan to get it off my computer and up where I see it constantly!
Remember how it felt to do something artistic during elementary school? When you finished you had such a feeling of accomplishment? That’s how doing a physical board feels.
I am actually in the process of thinking about/gathering things for a vision board. I have made one in the past related to health/fitness to motivate myself to make healthier decisions. With that one, I glued images/quotes onto a large piece of paper. I think I made it two-three years ago and I still love it. This time, I want to focus more on specific goals rather than an overall idea. I have a cork board I plan to use so I can move things around and change it up if I want. I’m really looking forward to taking the time to put everything together.
Did you feel like it helped you stay focused on your goals? Or, do you think it was too general that year? I can’t wait to hear how it goes!
I’m totally going to sit down to night and make my Vision board for the next year. This is going to be really good for me. Thanks for sharing!
Oooohhh!!! Love it! Have fun 🙂 I can’t wait to do mine this week.
I love vision boards! I made my first one last year and stuck it up on my wall and I’m amazed at what actually came true on it or, what came true but not as I was expecting, ex: a different form.
I put together a template but needed to get pushpins and now that I have all my supples I need to get it up! I will also be making little notes with different money amounts written on them so I can stay clear on my vision. 🙂
I do NOT want to make the piggy bank mistake again. Isn’t it crazy how things come to fruition? It kind of freaks me out…but, in a really good way LOL!
This is so far the best vision board blog post I have read! Making one tonight!!
You just made my day! Have fun making it 🙂
Love Love LOVE this article!!! Very inspiring. Thanks Michelle
Thanks! I hope you have fun putting one together.
Hi Michelle,
Thank you so much for this post! I really love it. I came across it on Pinterest as I’m in the process of setting up my home office. A vision board is a must! My coach recommended I do one, and even though I’ve heard of them, didn’t really know what to do. Your post broke it down so simply, I know exactly what to do to get things going.
Thank you again!
Veronica! This comment made my day! Thank you so much for your kind words. I hope that you enjoy the process of making your vision board and that what you envision for yourself comes to fruition. Sending good vibes your way!
This is awesome! I read your post and bought all the items I need. Now im just getting my priorities straight on what I want.
I did something similar in a notebook many years ago with travel and love and Funny enough, it came true (not all at the same time). I found a great boyfriend (now husband) and i remember hanging out with him in similar scenarios like in my magazine pictures.
Im looking forward to start this method now! Thank you!
Thanks! I actually find it both creepy and amazing how well these vision boards can work. I’m spending a lot of time tweaking mine right now because I am now focused on three things only. Everything else is basically on track. Sending you good luck and good vibes.
Hi Michelle, I have created a vision board and it’s worked for me to an extent. However, you made a good point about it not appearing too cluttered/disorganized. I believe I’ve confused God/The Universe in doing so.:) One goal is to work for/with a certain singer, and wrote this in conjunction with a photo. These cut outs of actions and images do sit very close to other unrelated goals. So, I’m revamping my board very soon.
I’m currently in the process of re-working my board as we go into 2016. Anything that’s basically happened has been removed from my board. Anything that I want to happen I’m looking at and making sure that whatever I’ve put on my board is 100% clear to me and the Universe. I don’t want the piggy bank mistake to happen again. Am sending you good thoughts and hope you get to collaborate/work with that singer. When it happens let me know!!
Mamas thank you for sharing this idea and your experience! Thank you for being a source of light! Now my turn to get my vision set and going so I can see Hawaii’s sandy beaches for myself! ^-^
Yay!! I love my Vision Board! Just be careful and really be clear about what you are wanting manifest. Remember what I said about my darn piggy bank. I wanted money and I ended up with change I don’t want that to happen again. Am sending you good vibes and I know that you will walk in Hawaii’s beaches soon.
Never did a vision board before. I came on pinterest to see how. I love your ideas. When you meet your goal do you replace with another or leave it?
Thanks Debra! I always freshen the board after I’ve achieved a goal. It makes space for other things and keeps me focused. This year I’m really keeping my board super simple because I have 5 or 6 very specific goals that I would like to focus on and achieve. If you try this out let me know how it goes!
Thank you!
Earlier this year, I was very unhappy and unfulfilled in my job. I decided to create my first vision board that reflected specific qualities and aspects I wished to experience in my next role. I also wrote down exactly when I wanted to start my new job (to the day) and the salary increase I was expecting. Every single thing that I envisioned about my new job, down to dates, details and salary came to fruition. The entire process took about 60 days. During this time, I also listened to a subliminal recording/app during my commute. The process was quite amazing. Sometimes I still cannot believe everything happened as I envisioned.
I love vision boards. I am working on my new one for 2016 and making sure the board is very, very, clear. I am so excited about the results that you had, the power of intention and focus is everything! Sending you good vibes for 2016.
Thanks Michelle, I found your suggestions very helpful in putting together my second Vision Board. I didn’t have any success with the first board but a lot of your ideas with the followup I thought were brilliant. Throughout my life I have written down things I’ve wanted in my life and ALL have come true. I’ve wanted small things that were out of reach yet within a month or so they came across my path and I was able to acquire them. Those were small things. My goals now are bigger and I think the Vision Board is the way to go to amp up my vibrations. Thanks for the guidance.
Pete, thank you so much for your kind comment. I am also in the process of reworking my Vision Board and one of the things that I’m being really mindful about it clarity on the board and clarity of focus. Don’t forget I ended up with a piggy bank instead of the cash that I envisioned for myself LOL! I am not surprised that the things you wrote down happened-you set an intention. I am so excited for you going into 2016. Best of luck and keep me posted on how it goes.
Thank you! I completely forgot about this . How could I as I’m writing this sitting in my codo 33 years later. I found a picture of a gable roofed home. I thought this WILL NEVER HAPPEN. I was single divorced mom ,one child .No alimony, no child support. Girls what? My condo has a gable roof and it is called the GABLES.
That story is amazing to me!!!The power of the Vision Board in action.
Michelle from Buchholz High School?!? I am putting together a vision board with my daughter and was looking at examples and came across yours on Pinterest. I didn’t know you blogged. This is Laura P’s friend Christina! Excellent post!
Um, no, I am not from Buchholz High School. I am from Colorado LOL! I’ve never heard of that school. I must have a doppelgänger.
Hi Michelle liked what you had to say about vision boards,I love them and yes I actually have mines up from 2015. I took a look at it and it is cluttered,been working on clearing out some of the clutter around my home now going to do a 2016 vision board that’s more organized and focused. Also will be following some of the other things you did. Thanks Michelle
Thanks Beverly! I am in the process of reworking my Vision Board for 2016. I’m really happy that the post was helpful to you. I just always laugh when I look at my board and see a piggy bank on it and then that’s what I ended up with at the end of the year instead of actual money.
Hi Michelle- This has been a year of change for me for the better and I knew that a vision board was the missing piece. Thank you for your post and making it easy to understand how to create it. Thank you and I can’t wait to put it together. I’ll be pinning Monopoly money on it in the amount I hope to make. I promise I won’t put a piggy bank on it. Too funny. Thanks again
Rosa-the piggy bank picture was a BIG mistake. I love the Monopoly money idea…I just might steal it LOL! I’m in the process of redoing my board as well. Sending you good vibes and good luck!!
Hi Michelle thankyou for the great ideas. i was hoping for your input i want to make a VB regard my physical and mental health which are both in bad shape atm. do you have any suggestions on what i should focus on to put out to the universe. i dont want to be to random about it looking forward to your response or any of your readers. Thanks heaps peace and love to you. hehe
Hi Suzanne! Why not put both on your Vision Board? My thought is most have different sections and as one area improves the other areas typically follow suit. Just be clear about what outcomes you’re working towards so that your actions stay in alignment with your mindset. I’m sending you good vibes and I’m excited to hear how things go!
This was a very interesting read! Thanks…this inspires me to start a Vision Board of my own!
Thanks Jennifer! Have fun putting your board together. I’m in the process of revamping mine right now.
Hi Michelle. You have inspired me to create my own vision board. Feel very positive about my life changes. Holly
YAY! I’m reworking mine this week. Need to tweak some things. Let me know how it goes.
Thank you for this.
My pleasure!
Thank you very much for sharing. Do you have an example of the vision board you created for yourself?
I don’t have sample other than the image that I shared in the post. My board changes each year and I’m actually about to add some new images to it soon. I hope you have fun creating your Vision Board!